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  1. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Pics up in a bit... Everything is sealed up and being cured. I let them cure for 12-hours, then breath, then another 12, for the first couple of days. Then 24 hours before breath. Now I will let them sit a full 48 before I open them back up to breath. To be sure everything is night and air...
  2. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    12 Grams dry for the Lollis... and 29 grams for the White Widow. That's about 80 grams (more like 70-75 if I trimmed closer). With that I'm at about .25 grams per watt, which isn't bad for a first grow. This next grow I'd like to get closer to .5 grams per watt of efficiency. Pics soon.
  3. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    I just pulled them both this weekend! They were actually ready on the early side. The DQs wet weight was 55 grams (which considering they were lollis in one-gallon pots with NO VEG time, that's good). So considering they were just thrown in there the last minute I'm impressed they produced as...
  4. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    I run them both at the same time. Full grows in each. One had the LA Con, the other has the WW and the DQs (almost done). Now that the one with the LA Con is empty, I went ahead and filled it with eight new babies. Once the other tent it empty, I'll wait till after the new year and go ahead...
  5. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    PS: Just checked out your grow box... You are basically working with twice the amount of square footage that I am, so maybe the 250 would have been a good idea. That being the case, instead of running all those little cfl bulbs, when they go out, I'd think about grabbing a single 105 watt CFL...
  6. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    The 10K lumens is per square foot... So since I have less than a foot and a half, and 16,000 lumens, it works out to a bit over 9100 lumens inside my tent. So to figure out lumens you need to figure out the square footage of your grow space (in this case 33" by 29"). That is a huge difference...
  7. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    oh yeah, hygrozyme is an enzyme that basically kills all the bacteria in the grow medium and helps break down the nutrients so the plant can absorb it easier. I don't really know the specifics of it, but the local hydro shop recommended I give it a try... since they've never steered me wrong, I...
  8. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    A 250 in that tight of a space, with a cool tube or not, would be too much. I'm already at pretty much 10,000 lumens a square foot. Switching to a 250 in this tent would be a really, really bad idea. I'd lose WAY TOO MUCH headroom having to keep the plants farther away from the light (even...
  9. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    I'm convinced I can get three zips in one of these tents pretty easy.
  10. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Now that this tent is open (still waiting for the other to finish up, WW and DQs), I potted eight Odyssey clones in 2-liter hempys. I'll go ahead and let them grow a bit before I start a journal, that way it'll already have tons of pics and information, and all that good stuff we like to chat...
  11. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Here is a shot of the buds curing... Just about 40 grams.
  12. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    39.5 grams total dry weight. Threw it all (minus a gram to test) in a mason jar, sealed it up, and put it in the dark. Will start checking on it daily, and let it cure for a week or two. I can always just pull a bit out, and leave the rest to cure. I have about 15 grams of trim that I dried...
  13. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Thanks... I can't wait to see how the others turn out as well. Just planted eight Odyssey clones, each in a 2-liter hempy. Can't wait to see how those grow!
  14. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Thanks!!! Here is an update of one of the Lolli's. It's about mid-way through week five.
  15. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    It's all in the dryer box that I rigged-up right now. Checked on it after a day of drying, and everything seems to be working out so far!!! Smoked the little ball of scissor-hash that I had from the trim, and it didn't floor me, but kept me nice and high for quite a bit of time.
  16. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    Don't know plant height (stopped measuring since there really was no point), wet weight was 160 grams.
  17. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    So today I put together a dryer box. Went down to the hardware store and picked up an 18-gallon rubber tote, cute squares out of the lid, and mounted two 80mm CPU fans in the squares for exhaust. Then toward the bottom of the tote, I drilled some inlet holes. I'm also going to put one of...
  18. S

    First Grow: DR40 Grow Tent, 150 Watt HPS, Hempy Bucket, White Widow

    I've seen that bulb online before... But everywhere I check it's listed as "out of stock." BUT, as soon as I can actually find a place that has them in, I'm definitely making the switch. So I've been getting ready for my next grow, and what I'm planning on doing is growing 8 lollipops, each in...