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  1. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    come over to for an update. its a great home over there for everyone with autos. It was just created this month so its a small, but dedicated group. i have all updated pics on there. And "stitch" the guy who created the strains SCH and Onyx is on there as well and answers all...
  2. 215medicineman

    mike, i do have pics of the onyx. they are on my thread. Autoflower grow Super Cali Haze. You...

    mike, i do have pics of the onyx. they are on my thread. Autoflower grow Super Cali Haze. You can also look at a youtube video of it about a week ago if you look up "super cali haze." It has gotten much bigger since then though. I will be taking another video and pics later today or tomorrow...
  3. 215medicineman

    they are about 30" tall and about 24" wide from branch to branch. They are in 3 or 3.5gal pots...

    they are about 30" tall and about 24" wide from branch to branch. They are in 3 or 3.5gal pots. My 3 mature ones didnt get veg nutes until late, so i think thats why they stayed somewhat shorter. The other 3 that are just heading into bud are going to be bigger. I gave them Guano at about 3...
  4. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Up Date--- Finally getting around to taking some pics of the crop. The three budding super cali haze are looking amazing, got lots of trichomes over and under the leaves and the buds are starting to swell already at day 50! Im thinking maybe another 30days and it should be done. The other 3...
  5. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    So everything seems to be going good the crop. I did have to pull another hermie today though! Another super Cali haze down. Right now the plants are as follows... 3 mature super Cali haze (45 days old) 3 vegging sch (32 days old) 2 mature Onyx (1 at 21 days old in 5gal) (1 at 16 days in a...
  6. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    So for the last two days i did have any power in my area! a big snow storm came and took down power lines everywhere. All the plants were in dark over 24hrs and extremely cold temps. The lowest my temp says it got in there is 49.6!!! we had no heat or anything in my place so i moved the all the...
  7. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    Gods Bud is starting to STINK! i was doing some more LST today with it and its looking/smelling great. Its gunna be a bushy mother and provide me with plenty of clones. Then i should get a good harvest out of her also. Only have one problem with the DWC set up... the roots were bleach white when...
  8. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Everything is doing great once again. I guess they are use to getting watered everyday, because the 3 budding SCH were thirsty! about an hour after i watered them they perked right back to life striving towards the light. Trichomes started developing on the inner buds and fan leaves! starting to...
  9. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Everything seems to be going good so far with mine. Out of 10 Super Cali Haze seeds i have 7 growing now and 3 of them are budding 40days in and the other 4 are still in veg at about 25days old. The 3 mature ones are starting to produce trichomes on the leaves now. From what ive experienced and...
  10. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    woke up today and looked at the girls and i noticed 2 of the 3 mature ones looked like they had no life left in the leaves! i didnt water them yesterday because they had a large watering the day before but i guess they needed more. So i watered them and am waiting to see if they spring back to life.
  11. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Update - Hope everyone had as good of X-Mas as i did. As you can read on my last post i got some good shit for the 215. Christmas day i fed all plants with the Sea Bird Guano and i saw them react by the next day. The vegging ones put a lot of energy into their side shoots and started becoming...
  12. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    Yeah i cant wait to see how they like that shit, they are already perking up and look like they are taking in everything. As for completely Organic i dont think the DWC Gods bud mother is going to be. Everything else in soil is 100% Organic. I have the 2010 SunLight Supply Dealers Mag and they...
  13. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    Merry X-Mas! Got some good shit today from my girlfriend for x-mas and have done a lot of work in the grow room today. I did a Nute change with the Gods Bud and installed new air lines because the old ones were getting nasty. This plant stinks already! I jumped up the Nutes to about 2.5tsp/gal...
  14. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Merry X-Mas to everyone out there on RIU! Christmas was awesome this morning. My girlfriend got me a bunch of goodies for my 215 grow... Peruvian Sea Bird Guano 10/10/1 -the guy at the hydro store say this stuff is great for the entire grow. With auto flowers thats prob best so i fed them...
  15. 215medicineman

    Need help with deciding on LED lighting

    I recently just did a complete cycle with an LED light and i highly recommend the one i used. I dont know your budget but i got one on e-bay for $230 with shipping. It was a 120watt QuadBand and it grew 2 plants just fine, and would have done more if i wanted to. they say it puts out as much as...
  16. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    So i topped one of the smaller SCH because it shot up pretty tall today so i figured id see if it will work with these super autos and grow differently then the others. Will post pics next time. I also got an early X-Mas gift from my girlfriend, Light Hangers! Not the yo-yo's because the hydro...
  17. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    No its not banana kush. Its "Bunana Kush." Probably just a local hybrid that isnt out in seed banks, the Medical club i got it at is probably the only people to know anything about the strain. Thanks though, ive heard nothing but bad things about Banana Kush. and Sleeper... Im using a 600watt...
  18. 215medicineman

    *Autoflower Grow* Super Cali Haze from Short Stuff *pics*

    Heres the new up dated pics... I looked at the calender, well i looked over my journal haha and figured... -3 mature SCH are 35days old today. Looking at them in the pics i would not believe it if i didnt see it. Thoes 3 are big for that age! -The other 4 SCH in the pics are 22days old and...
  19. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    There you go Sleeper. Live pics, just taken. Let me know what you think
  20. 215medicineman

    Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

    Heres the first pics of the Gods Bud and Bunana Kush