Organic Bunana Kush & DWC Gods Bud (Mother plants 4 now)

This is my second thread. I have already started with some pics of Kush and Gods Bud on my other AutoFlower grow.

This is the plan... Right now i have a room full of Auto Flowering strains. 7 "Super Cali Haze," 2 "Onyx." These autoflower plants require 18hrs of light to bud and fully grow. So while these are budding away under my 600watt, i decided to start to veg some mothers for my next cycle. I am a CA prop.215 patient and this is all legal and inspected monthly by my roommates probation officer. My legal limit is 10/10/1 (10 flowering, 10 veg and 1 mother). Right now like i said, i have 9 auto flower and 2 regular strains... Bunana Kush and Gods Bud.

These strains came from a medical club here in my town. They were rooting in 4x6" GroDan cubes when i got them over a week ago.

I have transplanted the Gods Bud into a 5gal DWC (deep water culture/bubbleponics) system. It has been getting 2tsp/gal of Fox Farm Grow Big Nutes for just about a week. Today i started some LST (low stress training) with it so it will be more of a bushy mom. It will stay with the Fox Farm Grow Big nutes until i bud it at the end. They seem to be doing a great job, the net pot is already bursting with 8" roots.

As for the Bunana Kush... when i got this clone i thought it was a bubba kush but then i looked at the stake when i got home and noticed it was a "Bunana Kush." I was told by the club that its a great producer and a heavy Indica, but they were unsure of the cross breeding that created the strain. They told me next time im in there they should have a sample of the finished product and more info on it. But as for now... I love pure Organic Kush so i transplanted it into a 5gal pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mix and Light Warrior. It was bursting with roots when i transplanted it 2 days ago, so it should start taking off soon. This plant is going to get nothing but Organic Tea and Guano (hoping to get some tomorrow for x-mas from my girlfriend) to insure the best Organic tasting medicine.

When all of my auto flowers are coming to an end, i will clone both Bunana Kush and Gods bud so the clones have time to veg while my others are budding and then when the Autos are done, the light cycle will go to 12/12 flowering 2 large mothers along with 4 Gods Bud and 4 Bunana Kush.

Hoping for a successful back to back grow here. Let me know your thoughts. Will post pics soon


Active Member
Hey thanks man! They look good, very healthy! Off to a good start.... Now just watch them take off in the following weeks! looking good, some pics of the autos wouldn't hurt either lol; what lighing are you using for vegging?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
This is my second thread. I have already started with some pics of Kush and Gods Bud on my other AutoFlower grow.

This is the plan... Right now i have a room full of Auto Flowering strains. 7 "Super Cali Haze," 2 "Onyx." These autoflower plants require 18hrs of light to bud and fully grow. So while these are budding away under my 600watt, i decided to start to veg some mothers for my next cycle. I am a CA prop.215 patient and this is all legal and inspected monthly by my roommates probation officer. My legal limit is 10/10/1 (10 flowering, 10 veg and 1 mother). Right now like i said, i have 9 auto flower and 2 regular strains... Bunana Kush and Gods Bud.

These strains came from a medical club here in my town. They were rooting in 4x6" GroDan cubes when i got them over a week ago.

I have transplanted the Gods Bud into a 5gal DWC (deep water culture/bubbleponics) system. It has been getting 2tsp/gal of Fox Farm Grow Big Nutes for just about a week. Today i started some LST (low stress training) with it so it will be more of a bushy mom. It will stay with the Fox Farm Grow Big nutes until i bud it at the end. They seem to be doing a great job, the net pot is already bursting with 8" roots.

As for the Bunana Kush... when i got this clone i thought it was a bubba kush but then i looked at the stake when i got home and noticed it was a "Bunana Kush." I was told by the club that its a great producer and a heavy Indica, but they were unsure of the cross breeding that created the strain. They told me next time im in there they should have a sample of the finished product and more info on it. But as for now... I love pure Organic Kush so i transplanted it into a 5gal pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Mix and Light Warrior. It was bursting with roots when i transplanted it 2 days ago, so it should start taking off soon. This plant is going to get nothing but Organic Tea and Guano (hoping to get some tomorrow for x-mas from my girlfriend) to insure the best Organic tasting medicine.

When all of my auto flowers are coming to an end, i will clone both Bunana Kush and Gods bud so the clones have time to veg while my others are budding and then when the Autos are done, the light cycle will go to 12/12 flowering 2 large mothers along with 4 Gods Bud and 4 Bunana Kush.

Hoping for a successful back to back grow here. Let me know your thoughts. Will post pics soon
If that is supposed to be banana kush I can help you out with that...grew it for a couple rounds...never again though...i hope you dont learn why...

It's aptly named...lets just leave it at that for now.
If that is supposed to be banana kush I can help you out with that...grew it for a couple rounds...never again though...i hope you dont learn why...

It's aptly named...lets just leave it at that for now.
No its not banana kush. Its "Bunana Kush." Probably just a local hybrid that isnt out in seed banks, the Medical club i got it at is probably the only people to know anything about the strain. Thanks though, ive heard nothing but bad things about Banana Kush.

and Sleeper... Im using a 600watt hps for everything. Complete grow from veg to flower for the Autos and regular strains. I got a SunMaster buld and thats supposed to be a better HPS buld with more blue spectrum for doing the plants under one bulb. My auto grow is here
Merry X-Mas!

Got some good shit today from my girlfriend for x-mas and have done a lot of work in the grow room today.

I did a Nute change with the Gods Bud and installed new air lines because the old ones were getting nasty. This plant stinks already! I jumped up the Nutes to about 2.5tsp/gal of the Fox Farm Grow Big and it is loving it! Im sure within a weeks time its going to double in size.

As for the Bunana Kush, I fed her today with my x-mas gift that i got from my girl... Peruvian Sea Bird Guano 10/10/1. I cant wait to see her take off. She hasnt done much leaf growing since i got her from the club. So hopefully these Organic nutes will do the trick.

Will post pics in the next day or so.


Active Member
That's awesome! I want to see how they react to the guano... Are you doing a completely organic grow?? Is the FF grow big organic? Generally speaking, do synthetic nutrients have larger yields then organic??
That's awesome! I want to see how they react to the guano... Are you doing a completely organic grow?? Is the FF grow big organic? Generally speaking, do synthetic nutrients have larger yields then organic??
Yeah i cant wait to see how they like that shit, they are already perking up and look like they are taking in everything. As for completely Organic i dont think the DWC Gods bud mother is going to be. Everything else in soil is 100% Organic. I have the 2010 SunLight Supply Dealers Mag and they have every nute in there and the ones that are "Organic" are all marked and the only liquid Fox Farm Nutes that is marked as Organic is the Big Bloom. Which is fine with me because i will get to see the difference. I also have some other nutes from my last grow that i would like to use on the Gods Bud. They are Dry Kool Bloom (used at the last 2-3 weeks of flower) and Likwid Kool Bloom (used to start flowering). Both are not Organic also. I think if the Organic doesnt yield as much, it will taste and be that much better then the other.


Active Member
That's good, I forgot you were going DWC with the Godbud... That's, the right thing to do... i'm no expert, but i have seen some disasters with some growers going organic with DWC... don't ever add mollases to a dwc reservoir!!i also have 6 plants in dwc and two in soil... I am also going completely organic with soil plants... I want to see for myself if theres really a difference in taste and quality with organic buds...
Gods Bud is starting to STINK! i was doing some more LST today with it and its looking/smelling great. Its gunna be a bushy mother and provide me with plenty of clones. Then i should get a good harvest out of her also. Only have one problem with the DWC set up... the roots were bleach white when i changed the water the other day and now they are brown and covered in something. I dont think its Nute build up because its not getting much and the growth is not slowing down because of it but i know its not supposed to be that way. If anyone knows anything to help me out, please let me know. Thanks. Will post pics soon. There are some one my other AutoFlower Thread.