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  1. D

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    It's good that you help us with identifying the symptoms of certain problems. Thanks a lot! But the real question is what do you do for curing the problem.
  2. D

    How to Hide My Hydro bill?

    Man! You can stack the cash yourself, you are working 16 hour shifts or just show them the bill. Hopefully your legal and you wont have any backlash from that but seeing how it wouldn't technically say hydro bill, do you! Oh and to all you tax payers, best believe your taxes barely keeps your...
  3. D


    :-PThanks Man apperciate the help! I'll be sure to let you know how things workout.:-P
  4. D


    Here are the Pics.These are not the ones, try to imagine these same plants with the bottom leaves seriously yellow.
  5. D


    Ok sure!:-P:-P
  6. D


    Having some problems. Wondering if i could get some help? My leaves are turning yellow and I 'm not sure what it is or what to do about it. I'm working with a 1000 watt hps and I use Flova Nova grow. the Plants are about 2 month old and I have them at about 600/ppm, I'm doing it the Hempy bucket...
  7. D

    Welcome New Members!

    WHAT IT DO EVERYBODY? First time grower trying to do my thing. Couple of problems I need help with. Some of my plants are turning yellow, I'm giving them 600/ppm of FloraNova. I think I'm about a Month to a Month and 1/2 in ok maybe two month in. How Frequently should I be watering and about how...
  8. D

    Right now I'm scene but what ever Knowledge and Understanding I get...I'm well to share in hopes...

    Right now I'm scene but what ever Knowledge and Understanding I get...I'm well to share in hopes that you will do the same. Good growing epuals/better smoking!!