
Having some problems. Wondering if i could get some help? My leaves are turning yellow and I 'm not sure what it is or what to do about it. I'm working with a 1000 watt hps and I use Flova Nova grow. the Plants are about 2 month old and I have them at about 600/ppm, I'm doing it the Hempy bucket way. I was watering everyday w/nuts now water everyday, nut every 2 days. I got everything setup in the a closet like space. :wall:


Active Member
the only way to tell is to put up some pics man :D
id normally say N deficiency but if your nuting every two days and watering every, it could be N burn!
need some pics


Active Member
ok straight away man i can see its over watering
im absolutely definate. you should only be watering every 3-4days maybe. when you said you were every day i thought you meant just little bits. that soil is seriously too wet man leave her completely for id say maybe 6 days or so shell perk right up.
dont let the soil get that wet again, it should just be slightly moist.
not waterlogged.

good luck :D