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  1. scott420ize

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Hello michigan growers hope you all are having a great season!!! Not enjoying this cold shit either are the girls. I have some nice things going this year but hopefully we get about another 3 weeks min. before its time to chop. I have 7 diff strains going and most just blew up got an og kush and...
  2. scott420ize

    Advanced Nutrients Heavy Harvest ??

    Thanks RDG for the site now thats something i can understand lol.
  3. scott420ize

    Advanced Nutrients Heavy Harvest ??

    Yea there not very clear on the instructions!!! So what I did was 3tbls per plant about 8 inch from the stalk but is that to little or to much?
  4. scott420ize

    Advanced Nutrients Heavy Harvest ??

    I bought some AN Heavy Harvest but man i can not find any talk about this product as in how much to feed? Are any of you guys using this or have used it? I bought the fall blend and was just wanting to know whats a good starting point on how much to top feed them. Please let me know if you...
  5. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb?

    What 400 watt HPS is putting out 60,000 lumens?
  6. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb?

    Hmm... well thanks i will have to look them bulbs up. Where did u find them?
  7. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb?

    I don't need MH bulb i am needing a HPS
  8. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb?

    I need to buy a couple 400 watt HPS bulbs. I am using digital ballast i know digilux is the way to go but don't want to spend $70 per bulb. What other bulbs are there that are good and work well with digital ballast? If you have any suggestions please let me know Thanks
  9. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb

    I need to buy a couple 400 watt HPS bulbs. I am using digital ballast i know digilux is the way to go but don't want to spend $70 per bulb. What other bulbs are there that are good and work well with digital ballast? If you have any suggestions please let me know Thanks
  10. scott420ize

    400 watt HPS bulb?

    I need to buy a couple 400 watt HPS bulbs. I am using digital ballast i know digilux is the way to go but don't want to spend $70 per bulb. What other bulbs are there that are good and work well with digital ballast? If you have any suggestions please let me know Thanks
  11. scott420ize

    Flushing PH'd water or non PH'd??

    Yea i agree trial and error is the key!!! Thanks again everyone for all the responses
  12. scott420ize

    Flushing PH'd water or non PH'd??

    Ok thanks guys for the replys. I am going to try it without adding the ph down and see if i see the diff.
  13. scott420ize

    Flushing PH'd water or non PH'd??

    Actually i do use the final phase and seems to help but i was just wondering if the ph down is keeping the soil "dirty". Thanks for the replys.
  14. scott420ize

    Flushing PH'd water or non PH'd water??

    Ok i have been thinking after many harvests i do a 2 week flush with 2 nice drains but i can never get a real nice flush? I was thinking i have been using PH down in my flush water is that causing it not to have a complete flush due to the PH down in the water? What do you guys think. My water...
  15. scott420ize

    Flushing PH'd water or non PH'd??

    Ok i have been thinking after many harvests i do a 2 week flush with 2 nice drains but i can never get a real nice flush? I was thinking i have been using PH down in my flush water is that causing it not to have a complete flush due to the PH down in the water? What do you guys think. My water...
  16. scott420ize

    Your Harvest Trick?

    God Dam...........................Looks like sugar lol
  17. scott420ize

    Just Cut Down 6lbs (wet), Drying Conditions?

    I don't know i have same conditions as you and i just use a closet with door cracked alittle and i don't even use a fan and i am dry at 6 or 7th day ready for jars.
  18. scott420ize

    Flowering Since late Feb...Still Dont Look Ready? (Pics!)

    Looks good though good job!!! But yea chop them there done forsure....
  19. scott420ize

    what is this? PICS!

    Wow that is crazy looking.. That shoot coming out the top of that bud looks crazy haven't seen one do that. Bud looks good though from the pic
  20. scott420ize

    First time newb LST oone month old girls 400w MH

    Lookin good man. Them girls look nice and happy good work for first time!!