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  1. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Prohibition does not work. Livin the moon shiners life...
  2. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Yep, allthough cps officer still comes by once a week for a visit. We still let them come in till its closed but we refuse any more tests, counceling, classes and we refuse to sign anything more. They can take me to court.. WINNING
  3. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Dismissed! In the end, we won because A: we said no to concent to search and B: because I have tiger blood! If I can grow and get off scott free you can too... FIGHT THE POWER!
  4. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Annother reset at court. We go again in a few weeks. Cps placed our kids back home. If any of you find yourself in this spot. DO NOT TALK TO CPS, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! They have no power unless court ordered. We didnt know...they told us to sign or we would lose our children and never see them...
  5. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Lol hater...
  6. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Ok, we went to court again. We were on 2 dockets, felony and misdemeanor court. Feolny dropped us and misdemeanor offered us 10 days jail or 12 months probation. Cps told us after we finnished half of our NA classes our children would be returned. We have done everything they have asked! Well...
  7. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Cops all over can be bad... Follow the money... I grew up in a rural area and cops were real bad. I moved to the city cause atleast they have real criminals to I have worked on a houston officer's home. We used to talk alot while I worked there. "Legal mafia" was his words. How...
  8. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    30plants counting moms and future clones in my attic under lock accessible only by me. It was personal and they know it.
  9. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    No I didnt beat his ass, yet... Lol it wasnt really his fault.
  10. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    10k is only for pretrial. I will only goto trial if my wife gets a charge of anykind, I would take a small plea BUT NO PROBATION... I rarher rot in jail
  11. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Still no consent to my knoledge. Lawyers got it kicked to a lower court to make it easy to get dismissed.
  12. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    UPDATE! we got a subpoena in the mail to be in court. They have lowered our charge to "more than 2oz but less than 4oz of useable marihuana"(yes they misspelled it lol). Good things are comming our way I can feel it! I will let y'all know how this ends. FIGHT THE POWER!!!
  13. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Yes, we were charged with poss. 4oz to 5lbs. Went to court today and it was reset waiting on the sighned concent they say they have....
  14. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    I am currently designing some pro medical shirts for local shops and ebay.
  15. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    I have good lawyers now. Besides one in Austin wouldnt be much help in Houston. Also the cops had no idea that any drugs were involved until after they gained access to my home. The legal part I have a good chance on. What really bums me out is this CPS case.
  16. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Went to our first NA meeting... Only 23 more meetings... We still dont have our kids... Please keep in mind, I have legitimate reasons to smoke. I am in no way a dealer or abuser. I grew my own to ensure that I was getting safe, pesticide free and organic medication. Also I am proud to say that...
  17. drains21m

    Cultivation Vs. Possession

    I had 30 plants and 2 mommas and still got poss. 4oz-5lbs felony here in Tx. Technically they could charge you with anything they want, and let the judge decide....
  18. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Court dates keep getting reset, all resets say "need concent" and I know they dont have one. What really pisses me off is CPS.... I now know they get like 8,000$ for each kid they take and I have 4....
  19. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Right now I need some crazy ideas how I can make everyone take notice and fight for our right to medicate! For example walk across texas with a legalizr it sign or something.
  20. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    I have a great team of attourneys, one used to be a D.A. in Austin. They will fight hard to get this dismissed because they are proud of there record of getting cases won or dismissed. Also my step sons teacher was here and was a witness, she is willing to testify or do anything to help! Heh I...