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  1. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    Right, I did not understand that before. This is my first grow and I've only bought from a dealer once, so my experience is very limited. I will definitely throw the leaves away.
  2. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    Understood; I was not aware of this. Thanks.
  3. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    I am sorry if I offended you, but why the verbal abuse? I am confident you are nice in person. To answer your question, I asked whether it is safe. You gave me information that is useful, but not the information I was looking for. Thanks, WvMade.
  4. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    My reply was a statement of fact, not a "smart ass comeback." This comment of yours contributes nothing to this thread.
  5. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    Why post in a topic if your intention is to be belligerent and unhelpful? No one needs that from you, man. Thank you.
  6. B

    Is it safe to smoke leaves suffering from nute burn?

    I severely over-fertilized my 3 plants about 5 weeks into flowering. I was wondering whether it is safe to smoke these over-fertilized leaves or if they are destined for the garbage. Below is a picture of one:
  7. B

    Yellowing of plants

    My three plants (AK-48 ) are about a week into 12/12. I vegged them for 6 weeks and intend to flower for 6 weeks. However, the two bigger plants seem to be having some deficiencies. The three pictures below are of the worst one. The bottom leaves are yellow and the tips of the new growth are...
  8. B

    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    Out of the original five plants, one died and I decided to kill the weakest today as it had experienced significant pH problems. I felt it was too stunted to be worthwhile and I really could not afford to grow four plants to maturity. (Hooray for lack of foresight.) However, I am considering...
  9. B

    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    Yes, I simply forgot the high light requirement for flowering plants. I double-checked it. If I figure a flowering plant will require 10,000 lumens, then I will position lights to give 5,000 lumens from above and 5,000 lumens from the side to each of the four plants. If I keep the plants close...
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    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    Agreed. I think I will double the amount of lights for a total of 4 26Ws (2700K) per plant. I hope this is sufficient.
  11. B

    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    Unfortunately, I managed to kill one of the kids -- the one that was, incidentally, the best grower. Day 12 of the now-largest plant: Day 14 of same plant: One of the clamp reflectors fell on another plant and I had to clip a leaf, but I am sure it will recover soon.
  12. B

    Need advice on damaged plant.

    Thanks for your input. Simply receiving any sort of advice at all is comforting in itself. It's amazing how much these plants can stress me out! I wasn't thinking when I said it (or I was thinking figuratively). They're all feminized. :)
  13. B

    Need advice on damaged plant.

    First-time grower, growing 5 AK-48s with CFLs. I recently transplanted them from red cups to 3-gallon buckets today. All of the plants have yellow spots on their leaves (from a pH that is too high, I believe, at around 7.8 ), but what was previously the most developed plant seems to be...
  14. B

    CFL hanging question!!

    Hello friend, I am executing my first grow so I know relatively little. However, I am using similar materials and I decided to hang my clamp reflectors on an adjustable shower rod. (I went without a rod in my shower for a few days before I could make a run to Wal-Mart. :-P) You can see the setup...
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    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    Day 11 since the beginning of germination. I still need to get sulfuric acid or PH Down in order to lower the pH; it is a bit high at 7.8. I transplanted 2 of the seedlings as their roots were extruding from the holes in the bottoms of their cups. I chose a 3-gallon bucket and filled it up...
  16. B

    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    I thought it would be satisfactory since it is 0.05-0.01-0.05 (although I know the N should be a bit higher). What would you recommend?
  17. B

    Please evaluate the progress of a first-time grower.

    This is my first attempt at growing plants (of any kind!). I decided to go with a CFL setup based on a thread in this forum. I am growing five feminized AK-48s in a closet space of about 3 x 4.5 ft. As the plants are vegging, I have connected two 6500K 26W CFLs to reflectors with Y-adapters...