Need advice on damaged plant.

First-time grower, growing 5 AK-48s with CFLs. I recently transplanted them from red cups to 3-gallon buckets today.

All of the plants have yellow spots on their leaves (from a pH that is too high, I believe, at around 7.8 ), but what was previously the most developed plant seems to be suffering the worst. :-( It hasn't responded well to the transplant, or it hasn't had time to recover.

The plant in question is in the first two pictures below. The third is one of its brothers for comparison.


Can I expect the plant to recover from this? Should I consider trimming some of the lowermost drooping leaves? I ordered some pH up/down that should be here soon but I'd like to know whether there is anything to be done now, and whether I should expect the plant to be stunted.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Get your pH down,
no nutes.
If you did give it nutes..
Flush it good.
It still has a strong chance of making it.
Not much damage at all.

Thanks for your input. Simply receiving any sort of advice at all is comforting in itself. It's amazing how much these plants can stress me out!

you dont want brothers.... wish for a sister instead ok?!
leave the plant alone. get the ph figured out and let it go. in 2 weeks that leaf wont matter.
I wasn't thinking when I said it (or I was thinking figuratively). They're all feminized. :)