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  1. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    im down to 2 females now. I got the cabinet done and got them put in there. Here they are 4 weeks into flowering. sorry for the sideways picture
  2. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    here are my girls in my new cabinet after 4 weeks flowering
  3. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    Came home today and.... Another male :( Down to two. 1=female, 1=?
  4. R

    Stanley Blower in a grow box???

    im goin to get the stuff now. thanks for the support guys
  5. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    I will be working on the stanley blower mod later... Ive got 4 days to get the ventilation figured out before I go out of town.
  6. R

    Shed Heads! Let's see em.

    Cant wait till i can get a shed
  7. R

    Stanley Blower in a grow box???

    Im gonna go for it. ill customize it to fit my needs. ill try to remember to get pics of me doing it...
  8. R

    CSI Stickyicky's Locking Metal Grow Cabinet Build

    I wish i could say the same lol... ive gotta get exhaust hooked up in the next couple days because im going out of town this weekend and i dont want my babies to fry... but i was lucky enough to find an old stanley blower laying around that im gonna use... Saved me some money and kept me from...
  9. R

    Stanley Blower in a grow box???

    +REP anyways lol. thanks for the info. I think im gonna use one
  10. R

    CSI Stickyicky's Locking Metal Grow Cabinet Build

    looking good man. very professional
  11. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    If that was the only male Ill be ok with that. 3 outta 4 aint bad lol
  12. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    here they are after 2 weeks of flowering. Ive got one that I know is a female. 2 Im not sure yet and one was male that I cut down yesterday. the bad spots on the leaves is where the plants grew into the lights but overall they all look good so far. Comments and suggestions are appreciated...
  13. R

    Stanley Blower in a grow box???

    has anyone ever used a stanley blower (or something similar) to ventilate their grow box? i have one laying around the house and am trying to figure out a way to use it. Any help is greatly appreciated. +REP for pics lol
  14. R

    Stealth Grow!!!! CHECK IT

    The only thing I can get locally is MG... Hope you can find something better than that
  15. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    Ill try to get them on here tomorrow. Work has just been hectic this week
  16. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    so i come home from work today and found one of my girls showing her lady parts!!!:hump: sorry i just wanted to share that lol :lol:
  17. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    well i got my DIY filter built and im working on making my own inline duct fan out of an old fan motor i had laying around. its not gonna move much air but im hoping it will help since the cabinet is small. if not i guess ill be investing in one of the higher dollar fans. im just on a tight...
  18. R

    DIY Grow Room Comments and Criticism Welcome

    wow this looks awesome. im not sure about putting the black and white poly on the outside. seems like overkill to me. this already looks perfect. +Rep
  19. R

    CSI Stickyicky's Locking Metal Grow Cabinet Build

    This looks good man... I like your setup. I cant wait till I can get my HPS...
  20. R

    Stealth Cabinet... Could Use Some Advice.

    Yea i just googled it and found it pretty quick. thanks again thats what i thought. i found a dealer on ebay that even includes the glass so you can seal it up and vent that way. i think for now I can get by with just a 6 inch vent fan and a DIY scrubber. i know that will slow the fan down...