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  1. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    no one stood with me. apparently the people do not care. I haven't even heard anything from my local NORML chapter. Kind of depressing.
  2. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    My mom just kicked me out.
  3. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    That fear should not exist AT ALL. That is part of the problem.
  4. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    We share the same anger :) I have also posted this on the GA NORML FB page says 62 members right now. Unacceptable. Might as well say 62 people care about their rights.
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    Could be going to jail. IDK

    Sorry, I linked it like that. My apologies. I just want to make sure my efforts are not in vain. That is all.
  6. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    I also want to say I would I have done this sooner, but I chickened out the first time on grasscity. I made a grow journal under the name F5x and then deleted it cause I pussed out. Not this time.
  7. V

    Could be going to jail. IDK

    I live in a place where it is illegal to grow cannabis. Georgia, USA This is my recent facebook status: "DO NOT LET PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES SELL YOU MARIJUANA IN THIS FORM. ...THEY ARE USING CANNABIS TO MAKE A SHIT TON OF MONEY RIGHT...
  8. V

    Family Life for the American Grower

    I will fill this in later. Feel free to discuss whatever. Mainly just making the thread as a reminder to myself. If mods give me time, I will fill this with useful info. I have a bad habit of intending to do stuff and never getting around to it. Figured if I made it now I would be more...
  9. V

    HAHAHAA , Guess where im going to work :)

    Congrats! *that line from Spiderman about responsibility.*
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    Bump If You're Baked!

  11. V


    I bet that feels nice. Can't relate. EDIT* Oh, look we live in the same country too.
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    Thoughts on Cultivators I guess because it is illegal, the violators must be criminals. As such, that is how they are treated. Growers, sitting at home everyday, on edge, paranoid that one day because of some slip up, the cops are kicking in your door and hauling you off. No farmer should have...
  13. V

    One pound plant grown in a closet??

    If you want a lb, buy a CO2 set-up.
  14. V

    Design room help!?

    How high is the ceiling in your closet? and What are your dimensions? For hydro, I like the idea of a large Rubbermaid resevoir, with 2 air pumps. (1 wall outlet, 1 battery powered) 2 water pumps (1 of ea electric/battery) Use the dimensions of your room to decide how long your PVC pipes can...
  15. V

    How to maintain cuttings without mothers for a perpetual garden

    This is a quote from subcool on Cannabis Culture: "...My data was collected growing hundreds of strains for 30 plus years and its my opinion that genetic drift is bogus. 5 Top ten awards in 4 years would seem to confirm I am on the right track :) "
  16. V

    Open to suggestions

    Its premixed organic. I dont make my own soil. This is processed and ready for use. Its made by Fafard.
  17. V

    Open to suggestions

    There will be a full 24 hr period of darkness before flowering. Yea I had to do the same thing. I mad a hole too big in my closet and temps would get too low so I had to put more lights in there until I could find a balance. but the space above my grow has a vent so now I can change my room...
  18. V

    Open to suggestions

    Its not just two plants, but technically only starts with two. Sorry, the way it will be set-up is 4 in flowering. clones and new seeds will be started under the tubes. I'm gonna grow out 1 L.S.D. and take at least 2 cuttings from it and 2 from the Querkle as well. then flower those and root the...
  19. V

    Help! Is a 400 watt hid light to little to grow a flowering female?

    Oh, I keep my grow temps around 77. Preference I suppose. I like it under 80 almost all the time.
  20. V

    Help! Is a 400 watt hid light to little to grow a flowering female?

    to put things in perspective microwaves commonly use 1000w.