Help! Is a 400 watt hid light to little to grow a flowering female?


Well-Known Member
Hello and thank you for reading this. It shows you care. I am a newbie and am wanting to flower out a bagseed that popped up. However I don't have a grow light and right now the bag seed is maybe 3 or 4 inches tall and just popped about a day ago. So It's got thoughs two lil beginner leafs popped out and everything. I was wanting to just imiediatly start it on 12/12, and get some quick bud. I have never grown indoors so I don't know much about lights. What would be the cheapest and most energy efficient light for flowering? Also is a fluorescent light alright to flower a lady with and would it produce mature potent bud? Thx for help!!!!:-P


Well-Known Member
a 400w HPS light would be fine to flower one plant under, but keeping the temps low would be the main problem, i would advise to get maybe a 250w cfl 2700k (red spectrum) instead.


Well-Known Member
if you want to grow as economically as possible for one plant cfl's would be ideal. you can get them in your local hardware store. you are preferably looking for 26w cfls with a light spectrum of 2700k ( it usually says on the side of the box). if going with 12/12 from seed i would recommend 2 to begin with and a further 2 later on in the plants life (after 5 weeks). the bud you get won't be great but it's better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
See what I'm thinking of mainly when I get my light is "will it run the bill high and be noticed by any unwanted people? Cuz thatd suck to get screwed over on my first attempt at growing.

via Vio

2700K CFL bulbs. thats all you really need. get whatever adds up to 100w in the 20w-ish bulb size. I like to stay under 30w ea bulb because the bigger ones get pretty hot.


Well-Known Member
2700K CFL bulbs. thats all you really need. get whatever adds up to 100w in the 20w-ish bulb size. I like to stay under 30w ea bulb because the bigger ones get pretty hot.
I have big mogul CFL bulbs and they dont get that hot and i dont even have ventalation fans and its stays around 82


Well-Known Member
I dont care I am just trying to get to 3K posts. :peace:

7 plants was the most I ever did under 1 400 hps. I am planning on no more than 4 ever.
lol...did your reach 3k in posts yet? go with some 42watt CFL. you can find them at home depot or go with a t5 so you don't have to rig a bunch of lights up


Well-Known Member
A 400 h.i.d will give you a lovely yeild more so if you are useing it on just the one plant,but i would advice on vegging till the plant is 3/4 week this will give you far more bud then if you was to flower now.Once a seedling is put under the h.i.d you will be suprised on how fast a seedling will grow within 3 week the plant should be around the 11 ft can flower at thiss stage and you should get about 5/7 oz dry.Use advanced nutrients by useing these you will not have to mess around with the ph and ppm's,just follow the instuctions on the back of the tub.....tyke.................


Well-Known Member
Ok ya well is there a site that sales a good cfl light for budding that comes with the reflector. I need a light under 300


Well-Known Member
ok see dats what I needed to know. Using just one 400 watt h.i.d. won't alert the fuzz though will it? I'm going to move to california in a year or so just cant right now. Stupid texas. Gosh! lol