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  1. ChrisW123

    Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!

    I am 100% certain that it isnt rotting, but given that, i have repotted it and removed all of the mould i can see and will keep it away from the greenhouse for a bit, just to see how it goes.
  2. ChrisW123

    Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!

    I haven't watered it in day's :S it looked perfectly fine yesterday :(
  3. ChrisW123

    Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!

    its been quite hard lately, the weather has just been incredibly humid with no sun whatsoever, ill atempt to scrape it off, ill work at it from there, Definetly a downerrr :/
  4. ChrisW123

    Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!

    In a small greenhouse, the weather has been really humid and no sun aswell, any idea's?
  5. ChrisW123

    Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!

    I've only noticed today but some black stuff is growing on my bud plant, on the stem and on some small leaves, any idea's on what this is and how to stop it asap!??:shock:
  6. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    I'm growing outdoors, so no lighting other than daylight.
  7. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    yes, you have it the right way, winter is from June to August.
  8. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    no, the weather is really shitty this week, very grey haha, the plants in a hot house which still gets warm, but with no real direct sunlight :/
  9. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    uhm i planted it like early november?
  10. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    oki doki :) thanks, are there any signs to look for when it is ready to harvest?
  11. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    Im not to sure if the quality is the best sorry :/ but the white hairs are going to a nice brown :)
  12. ChrisW123

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    So my first female plant has more or less finished budding, im just not to sure when to harvest my plant, the buds, which were white, are starting to turn a brown, not sure if its almost time, any tips/help apreciated :)
  13. ChrisW123

    Alternative sun light?

    Okay, so my outdoor plants are doing rather brilliantly :-P, but there has been very little sun light as of late (melbourne weather :wall: ) so i was just wondering if there is any kind of light bulb i can chuck in my lamp to give the plants a bit more of a boost? Ta, Chris.
  14. ChrisW123

    Indoor growing, light sourse help?

    Im only new to this kind of thing and have only grown outdoors in a hothouse, but want to try indoors, so was just wondering what kind of light bulb etc to have..?
  15. ChrisW123

    Seed Bank Help?!?

    I'm about to go ahead and buy some seeds from '' but then thought what kind of fee or charge do i get if it gets caught at customs? does anyone know?