Thai Stick Bud harvest?


So my first female plant has more or less finished budding, im just not to sure when to harvest my plant, the buds, which were white, are starting to turn a brown, not sure if its almost time, any tips/help apreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Chris they are no where near finished. An average time for flowering is 8-9 weeks, if they are thai better make it 10-12.


Active Member
dood u got ages to go... from what i read on here, most of your leaves will die off by he time its ready for harvest..... and your leaves still look lush green.... how old are they.


Well-Known Member
Actually, my leaves stay green until harvest day. The ones losing leaves and decreasing their yields are the ones that flush and starve a plant for the last 2 weeks...

dood u got ages to go... from what i read on here, most of your leaves will die off by he time its ready for harvest..... and your leaves still look lush green.... how old are they.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
So you planted it in winter? If you did your plant will start to reveg now soon since summer is on the way.


Well-Known Member
It is possible to harvest twice in a year outdoors. The days from late winter into spring are short and the plants will flower. The days just did start getting longer than nights, but it'll take awhile before the longer days trigger vegetative state once she is in flower. If you live in a favorable climate, you can start plants indors in the winter and move them outside a few weeks before Spring and harvest an outdoor crop before Summer ever gets here.....

So you planted it in winter? If you did your plant will start to reveg now soon since summer is on the way.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing outdoors Chris? Looks like it the way those stigmas are turning brown. The stigmas or hairs should be turning brown later in flower. We have just had the equinox and I am afraid to say that having done the same as you outdoors last year with a plant that was taking up too much room in my cabinet, the plant is not going to be producing much more flower outside until later on in the summer (that's why I think your hairs are going brown) unless you live in the Tropics this plant will probably go through a re-veg first. The best thing if you are growing outdoor would be to move it inside, or give it fixed amounts of 12 hours of light. Then throw a blanket or box over it....

It is possible to harvest twice a year if you are in the right part of the world (hawaii has long and short seasons for example.)

Good luck whatever you decide.



Well-Known Member
The more I thought about this, the more it made sense. In Australia, isn't the winter in July? They are near the southern portion and typically, they enjoy Christmas on the beach, because the southern axis of the planet is closest to the sun while North America is experiencing winter. In Australia, the days should be getting shorter rather than longer. He should have less than 12 hours of light a day now if I'm not mistaken.

Chris, help us out with your seasons? Is the above right or backwards?

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
The more I thought about this, the more it made sense. In Australia, isn't the winter in July? They are near the southern portion and typically, they enjoy Christmas on the beach, because the southern axis of the planet is closest to the sun while North America is experiencing winter. In Australia, the days should be getting shorter rather than longer. He should have less than 12 hours of light a day now if I'm not mistaken.

Chris, help us out with your seasons? Is the above right or backwards?
Your right there serapis, may,june and july is there winter. i was all mixed up in the mixer thinking he was in the northern hem.


no, the weather is really shitty this week, very grey haha, the plants in a hot house which still gets warm, but with no real direct sunlight :/

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
What part of auz you in mate? Your not up the brisbon way? they got fairly hammerd this year, was following it on the news. It was a sad sight to behold.

I have a few friends over in oz at the mo, as around 20% of the Irish population is over there now lol

you do get some bangin weather for growin the ganja, makes an Irish man jelous lol