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  1. K

    6 weeks flowering (haze)

    just CFL's on blue spectrums
  2. K

    6 weeks flowering (haze)

    i vegged her for 10 weeks. Showed signs of sex about the 8th week and started budding just a couple of days put into flowering. Last i checked her (2 weeks ago) she was 36 to 37 inches
  3. K

    6 weeks flowering (haze)

    6 weeks into flowering! she is packing in some weight now, that i may have to tie her up to keep her upright as she is tilting just a bit. Right now just feeding her citrus for the week, then flush.........then to feed her bcuzz bloom.
  4. K

    when to harvest. 65 percent amber color, bottoms no

    ah ok, thanks guys! yeah i didn't flush before putting it into the flowering stage. i was thinking what would be good practice is............cause i have 3 different foods for em. a bloom of 5-15-14, citrus (to increase aroma and taste) and the hydroponic bloom, micro , gro. would it be...
  5. K

    when to harvest. 65 percent amber color, bottoms no

    i vegged her for 10 weeks and she is now almost on her 5th week of flower (by monday). I'm in no rush to harvest her as i want to have a bigger yield and potent only problem is, that from the middle plant and up............the buds are about 65% amber color and the bottoms once just started...
  6. K

    4 weeks flowering, how does it look so far

    ah ok thanks. i was at first keeping the lights very close, but after about the 3rd to 4th week, i put the light much higher. didn't think it was stretched but ah.............learning learning
  7. K

    4 weeks flowering, how does it look so far

    damn, oh well.............atleast now i know how to grow em so maybe my last attempt until i do a move (moving out soon) and then to get a better system going on
  8. K

    4 weeks flowering, how does it look so far

    4 of em. 2 i think is 23w of 1700 lumens i believe and the other 2 are 14w giving out about 800 lumens. all blue spectrums i hope i can get atleast an ounce or over. so dissapointed i had to give one up. but oh well, this is my 3rd attempt and happy with the results. my first...
  9. K

    4 weeks flowering, how does it look so far

    4 weeks into flowering. this is my eldest. (i'm still a noob) sadly, i had to put the other one (younger) to rest as my roomate was very paranoid about it, so to make em happy, just only kept this one. silly question i know...........but now that i'm only doing this single...
  10. K

    about when to harvest?

    ah ok, thanks guys. yeah i'm not looking to harvest them early at all. even though i'm excited and can't wait for em to finish...........i'll be (and am) very patient :)
  11. K

    about when to harvest?

    ah ok, that's what i wanted to know. my other one i vegged her for 6 weeks but unlike this one (both flowered at the same time), that one has no amber color the lower leaves though (should have explained this earlier) of the one 50 percent amber........are all white still. Would cutting the...
  12. K

    about when to harvest?

    no , not saying i am going to harvest her now. but she looks like she'll be about 90 percent amber before the 10-14 week period. so i'm thinking she MIGHT be ready about the 8th week, but being that the strains average is 10-14 weeks, would harvesting her before that period be to soon? if...
  13. K

    about when to harvest?

    sorry no photos but........tomorrow marks exactly 4 weeks into flower growing Haze. i vegged her for 10 weeks she is right now about 50 percent amber colored. i've read this strain takes up an average 10-14 weeks, but she looks like she'll be completely amber before that time. so...
  14. K

    ever flowered much longer? and what can happen

    curious. say a strain takes about..........8 weeks. now you decide you want to go longer........about 12 weeks. what will happen? how long is too long? does longer period increase/decrease flavor?
  15. K

    Cfl 6 Day Of Flowering

    ah ok, hopefully next week you'll be able to see the sex. i vegged my eldest for 10 weeks and she started showing signs around the 8th week i'm also doing a CFL grow. trying to advance to HPS. being my space is small (4 plants can fit tops), i may just use only a 250w
  16. K

    Cfl 6 Day Of Flowering

    a little droopy but looks good. how long did you veg? i'm waiting to do my last 4 seeds of haze after i harvest the others which will be about another 10 weeks with monday being 3 weeks of flowering
  17. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    uh oh, does that mean you're excited?
  18. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    does that mean it is now interesting?
  19. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    "how someone lives there life is there own business" lol finally...........something i can finally agree on.......which is rare. and yes, this was a bit fun, but has gotten very old, and now i'm wanting to see some photos of peoples buds that they are growing. so now to check the "new posts"...
  20. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    "who cares how you live your life?" i do. but the reason why my life got in here for a bit, was that you already assumed that me going out on a saturday meant "partying" "try and piss me off".........not at all trying to piss you off. If it is actually pissing you really...