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  1. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    oh hun, it's not called's called not being able to do things during the weekdays because of something called............a JOB so like many people that are busy and actually have jobs............the only free time to do things (spend time with friends, family, clean, shop...
  2. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    how long did it take you to noticed that? but sure, i am a very busy person as you can see by the year i joined and how many posts. so sorry guys..........i won't be joining you saturday and sunday on this
  3. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    it's none of my business if it's something private........but this is being posted to the it's anyones business
  4. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    "it's a free country" this is the internet, there are all countries involved multitasking? no, it's called..............too much time in your hands
  5. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    well said. 15k in one year...........i think you need to step away from the PC and enjoy something that's more real life. it's friday, so start making some plans and not spend your saturday on posting. i'm wondering when is the creator of this...
  6. K

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    read the first few pages and the last few. how obvious. i want to see the fool that's actually going to meet up with this person. so who's it going to be? whoever it is.........let it known so then when we see you aren't posting anymore........we know why lol
  7. K

    Vegatative Hours...

    i grew mines in the beginning 24/7 for about 2 weeks, then switched to 18/6. then.............for a couple of weeks as i thought i had them on 18/6, i really had them on 17/7 have no problems so far. the 3 plants that was growing, 1 turned male
  8. K

    Sexing Before Flower?

    i have vegged for 10 weeks and around the 8th to 9th week (of vegg) i started seeing the white hairs
  9. K

    ready to start flowering

    oh i'm a total noob. this is my first time i actually took my time to grow these. first attempt was a complete failure. 2nd attempt was just looking to learn and started flowering in just only veging for 2 weeks. This time i vegged for 10 weeks on my eldest and 6 on the younger one. i'm...
  10. K

    my grow journal with haze. 3rd attempt at growing

    here is my update. week 2 into flowering. the 3rd plant turned out to be a male so i killed him off (actually took pics of him before i did). Now using "citrus" which will increase aroma and flavor and using a bloom of 5-15-14. will update in another 2 weeks! my eldest
  11. K

    ready to start flowering

    WOW! yeah go for it. I started flowering mines at 25" and so far i'm in 2 weeks of flowering
  12. K

    Taking pics during night cycle?

    shouldn't do anything bad, but i would just yeah...........take pics on day one, or the final day. only 3 days of wait
  13. K

    question about a 300W CFL

    them lights have built in ballasts right underneath the bulb
  14. K

    when to separate the male?

    ah ok gotcha now. damn........the male plant was pretty HUGE and leaves were bigger then my hand. i almost feel bad killing him off after taking such good care of him lol. the one that hasn't shown signs of sex yet is the same age as the male plant but VERY much smaller. about a good foot...
  15. K

    when to separate the male?

    well the one that is a female, i don't want that to produce seeds. the other i don't mind. was thinking of building a divider in the grow room (small grow room and don't have much space in the closet or elsewere). i just don't want to end up separating too late with the female that is...
  16. K

    when to separate the male?

    well the one that is a female, i don't want that to produce seeds. the other i don't mind. was thinking of building a divider in the grow room (small grow room and don't have much space in the closet or elsewere). i just don't want to end up separating too late with the female that is already...
  17. K

    when to separate the male?

    i am in 9 days of flowering and i have 3 plants. 1 female, 1 male and the other have not yet shown signs of sex. i was maybe thinking of keeping the male and if the other turns out female.........just have them mate. how long till the male open up and pollenate? the male plant smells...
  18. K

    Light fell on plant! HELP!! pics

    i had a similar problem. but your light fixture of course was probably much bigger. i had a CFL small bulb fall on one of my young plants a while back, breaking the main stem almost in half. i thought that was it and the plant would die. what i did was i grabbed some scotch tape, taped it up...
  19. K

    putting male and female to mate?

    ah ok, and how would i be able to do this? i've read just get a q-tip and grab some pollen...........but i guess put some of the pollen on the areas were the female would bud? when is too early and too late to pollenate the area?
  20. K

    putting male and female to mate?

    now i have a female plant that was 10 weeks old in the veg state and now just 1 week into flowering. i have a possible male that was 6 weeks old in veg and also 1 week of flower. here is my question now i have a small space and still new to the growing so was not wanting to give the...