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  1. G

    serious now, ive got the worlds most important question..

    ill do one more bong, then go sleep. night RIU! <3
  2. G

    So Baked! Can We Move Clouds?

    yeah man. do you think it could ever be done?
  3. G

    SNOW!! how many inches did u get!! pics!

    seeing as england is rubbish for snow, we probably got like an 1/8 of an inch.. :/
  4. G

    serious now, ive got the worlds most important question..

    If you would like to, then yes, sir.
  5. G

    Major Leauge Gaming- ever heard of it??

    I love playing with friends as a clan lol, signed up for GB once, played one game and the bitch was spawn killing me (on my host too) so me, knowing about modding etc.. decided to lag him out, got like 20 hate messages from him haha ever since that, haven't been on there loool
  6. G

    serious now, ive got the worlds most important question..

    shitttttttttttttt, i now feel all tingly and very happy...... :L
  7. G

    serious now, ive got the worlds most important question..

    okay, well tonight, ive smoked like 3 joints, 3 shotties and then went and met my mate, had like 4 beers and then had like like £20 worth of shots, then came home and had a bong. i feel messy as fuuuuck. im sat here bobbing my head to bob marley. i dunno if i should do a bong or not? hmm. im 18...
  8. G

    So Baked! Can We Move Clouds?

    well tonight, had a few bongs, then had a joint, met my mate, went and had a few beers, then ended up doing loads of shots of vodka each :L came home now, been chucking chips to myself to try and catch them hahaha it got me thinking, if we put massive sheets of metal connected to the worlds...
  9. G

    Germs can see us?

    Ah right, would be cool though haha yeah man
  10. G

    Germs can see us?

    i just went into a proper deep think lol, you know when you sneeze, do you reckon the germs that come flying out of your mouth/nose, do you reckon they can see where they are going? like have mini eyes or something? same with our skin cells, do you reckon they can see? like the same way as us...
  11. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    actually got some muuuuunch now, so ill start trying ;)
  12. G

    winnie the pooh

    I doubt you'll be able to buy one :/ you do mine a bowl as in a smoking bowl yeah? lol if so, i think you might be able to get one like custam made though :)
  13. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    ill tell you what i cbf gaining that 20 lbs.. too baked to go and get munchies
  14. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    Ha thanks :D Very true ;)
  15. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    I've got a plan, I'll get proper baked, eat loads of food, put on 20 lbs, get baked again, see how long it takes to burn off when baked. I'll start from now haha
  16. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    Oh right lol. Another fish on the barbey hey? *sits here all confused*
  17. G

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    Well me and a friend was chatting about this the other day, put the munchies to one side for the moment. But yeah, you know when you have a good old smoke, you can't be bothered to do anything except sit there and mong out.. but if you started walking when you was baked, would it make you loose...
  18. G

    Dead seed?

    I think I killed the seed. Looks like it's rotting or something.. like an air bubble or something has gotten under the seeds coat :/
  19. G

    Dead seed?

    Bagseed it is ;) haha.