Cannabis makes you loose weight?

Well me and a friend was chatting about this the other day, put the munchies to one side for the moment. But yeah, you know when you have a good old smoke, you can't be bothered to do anything except sit there and mong out.. but if you started walking when you was baked, would it make you loose weight? Because you'll be burning loads of energy and that (because your body can't be bothered to do anything)
What do you think of this?


Active Member
im so confused right now casue im so baked but i get what your saying. put another fish in the barbey. put another fish in the barbey.


Well-Known Member
So your asking if exercising high makes you lose weight faster? Thats an interesting idea for the next big diet fad, but i doubt it would make a difference at all......but that hasnt stopped them from putting out all kinds of other diets they say work that dont, so you may have just founded the next big diet craze.
So your asking if exercising high makes you lose weight faster? Thats an interesting idea for the next big diet fad, but i doubt it would make a difference at all......but that hasnt stopped them from putting out all kinds of other diets they say work that dont, so you may have just founded the next big diet craze.
I've got a plan, I'll get proper baked, eat loads of food, put on 20 lbs, get baked again, see how long it takes to burn off when baked. I'll start from now haha


Well-Known Member
Iv lost weight through weed, as i dont really much out when im high and when im not high i dont have the appetite, so yeh win lol


Well-Known Member
You also take a Viagra. You will burn approximately 400 calories per hour.

Double that if your also smoking a joint :joint::peace:

Trust me on this :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well me and a friend was chatting about this the other day, put the munchies to one side for the moment. But yeah, you know when you have a good old smoke, you can't be bothered to do anything except sit there and mong out.. but if you started walking when you was baked, would it make you loose weight? Because you'll be burning loads of energy and that (because your body can't be bothered to do anything)
What do you think of this?
I think it depends on the individual...I myself get energy when I smoke almost any kind of cannabis.......after smoking I almost always feel like doing some type of physical activity which usually means I will ride my bike for miles (20-30 miles on average) while jamming out to some music on the ipod...keeps me in great shape....but thats me most folks I know just get lazy and do nothing.....
A lot of people don't sit around and get high. I enjoy going out to do things. Living near the mountains I dig going up there, smoking and going mountain biking.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
actually i believe cannabis can be used in weight loss as an excersise in will power. i've lost 30 lbs in the past year by sitting on my ass and smoking weed. oh yeah and i don't grocery shop very often. there is usually no food here that is "instant" (aka stoner-friendly), so when i get stoned there is literally nothing to munch on unless i want to cook (not happening). i eat out/order out almost every night and it's usually my only meal of the day besides the occasional sandwich or can of soup or tuna or something. to be clear i don't claim the cannabis did anything to melt away any fat, but the excersise in will power from being stoned with nothing to eat can be an incredible weight loss tool if you can handle it.