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  1. Esteban Sanchez

    My Grow Room Upgrade

    Hes right, mylar is crap. No expericened grower will use this. Either panda film or white flat paint.
  2. Esteban Sanchez

    neem oil for gnats Buy a bottle of purge at your local hydro store. Go to home depot and buy one of those automatic spraying things you see in bathrooms that automatically goes off every 15 minutes. (its meant for air freshener) You will never...
  3. Esteban Sanchez

    What is this coming out of my bud?

    Yeah you got lucky. And just because you didnt get hermies doesnt mean the light leaks didnt stress the plant and effecting your yield. The smallest light leak can cause major issues.
  4. Esteban Sanchez

    What is this coming out of my bud?

    Hermie... just pluck them as you go along. Finish the grow. I got that shit before in like the 6th week of flowering. Trimming takes forever just to make sure you get everything out. Is your room COMPLETELY light sealed?
  5. Esteban Sanchez

    10day old clone *Tips Turning Yellow?*

    Definetly not root bound. You can go to 18" in those party cups. Are there holes in the bottom of the cup allowing the water to drain? What type of soil is that? Looks like you planted clones into a regular soil and not a seed starter soil. You prolly got nute burn.
  6. Esteban Sanchez

    first grow need some input

    Im assuming your just vegging in there?
  7. Esteban Sanchez

    first grow need some input

    Changing a plants envioroment can cause stress. Indoor plants arent suited for mother nature. And ur ganna bring in spider mites.
  8. Esteban Sanchez

    How long before I should start flushing?

    35 days out of a 60-70 day strain im assuming. Still alot of white hairs. Since your in soil you dont even need to flush that much. When i used to grow soil i ran water and molases the last 5 days then choppy choppy
  9. Esteban Sanchez

    My new grow op... advice please!!

    3,600w HPS 2 3x3 trays / 1 3x6 tray I have 70 plants but only going to flower 50 over the next 3 months and mother the rest for clones. OG, Abusive OG, Bubba, Blue Dream and Sour Bubble. The current round of OG/Bubba is at 30-40 inches. 2 weeks into flowering. Ph 5.5, PPM 800-850. Top...
  10. Esteban Sanchez

    Trimming Lower Branches?

    Depends on the strain, But yes its true. If the bud isnt getting good light ur wasting the plants energy on it.
  11. Esteban Sanchez

    Can i harvest these a week early??? Please Help!

    Like 2 bananas next to each other bending away? Yep i think so...
  12. Esteban Sanchez

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Sorry but i think thats a fake Doctor rec i hope you didnt pay too much for it. Source Guidelines: Only 6 plants can be cultivated per patient and 8 ounces of dry marijuana. There is no such thing as a 99 plant rec. Why does a doctor have the right to give permission to...
  13. Esteban Sanchez

    Can i harvest these a week early??? Please Help!

    So by looking at those buds... they can be harvested?
  14. Esteban Sanchez

    Can i harvest these a week early??? Please Help!

    Im in my last few weeks (60%+ red hairs) of my OG Kush which decided to go hermie on me. I cant risk pollinating my other strains. Can i harvest a week early??... what are the pros and cons?? Thanks in advance
  15. Esteban Sanchez

    Seeds forming on my flowers???? Help!!

    I was just kidding lol. So those plants are useless???? Make hash atleast?? Fuck im pissed
  16. Esteban Sanchez

    Seeds forming on my flowers???? Help!!

    If my OG pollinated my Blue Dream i would have a badass new strain! MMMM Blueberry OG sounds dank! Will my OG still be smokable with the male flowers? or when im trimming just get rid of the flowers and ill be fine?
  17. Esteban Sanchez

    Seeds forming on my flowers???? Help!!

    So ur saying i should grab my tweezers and just pluck them?? or harvest at 50/50 white orange hairs. I have other strains growing in the room i dont want pollinated. Thanks Bro!
  18. Esteban Sanchez

    Seeds forming on my flowers???? Help!!

    im 8 weeks in on my OG Kush, i put them into a different room at 7 weeks. (Bigger room easier to manage the heat) And the light schedule is off by an hour than the other room. Did i shock them into producing seeds??? They started forming these little pistils inside the nugs!! And if they are...