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  1. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    yea mine have balls everywhere :'(
  2. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    :cry: so i started my grow with three seeds and unfortunatly my last two seem to be male =((((((( 3 months to waste >=O:evil:
  3. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    Thanks for all your feedback and help guys. Ill take more photos next week
  4. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    yes, have been for about 2 weeks
  5. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    ='( damn well there are two more plants, could these possibly be female?
  6. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    =p, what of that bud growing though? not worth continuing to grow?
  7. L

    Male or Female? or hermie?

    Hey guys, my friend is a first time grower. He cant determine whether or not his plant is a male or a female. These are the pics he gave me. Feedback would very much be appreciated my question is, is it even smokable? It looks like it has a buds growing, but then I also see balls, so I'm...
  8. L

    pH question

    my question is can i use the ph down i bought?
  9. L

    pH question

    Hey guys. My pH is a tiny bit over i think its almost at 7. I need to bring the pH down so I went to petco and bought a pH down bottle from API. "Aquarium pH Adjuster". Will this work for my aerogarden? or will it mess up my plants because its for aquariums? It says on the warning label that it...
  10. L

    Aerogarden (just started it up)

    I put 3 seeds in my aerogarden, I germinated them and everything. 2 of them are, how do i say, going back into the seed!? and 1 is starting to get bigger ( the white initial root) Whats happening?
  11. L

    Noob question

    The info defiantly helps guys thank you.
  12. L

    Noob question

    So if I have a huge plant with a lot of buds and its time for the harvest. Once you harvest the buds off the plant, what happens to the plant? does it die? or can you keep nurturing it so that it will flower again and how?
  13. L

    Aerogarden (just started it up)

    Thank you for all your info, so what your saying is I should add in about 1/2 tsp of fox farm big grow a week later or after they sprout? what about the started nutrients that aerogarden provides, should I just not use those?
  14. L

    Aerogarden (just started it up)

    Hey, im new to this forum, new to growing period. I decided to get the Aerogarden because this is just for a few personal plants. Please tell me if im doing something wrong here. Basically what I've done so far is set up the aerogarden. I got a gallon of purified water and added 1 tsp of fox...