Male or Female? or hermie?


Active Member
Hey guys, my friend is a first time grower. He cant determine whether or not his plant is a male or a female. These are the pics he gave me. Feedback would very much be appreciated

my question is, is it even smokable? It looks like it has a buds growing, but then I also see balls, so I'm confused.




Well-Known Member
That is not bud growing there those are clusters of testicles. No hairs there.
Sorry the news isn't better.

Is it your only plant? if so bummer. Sad but true you have to start over. There is also no thc so even hash is out.


Well-Known Member
Could be, especially since males generally show their sex about a week before females do.
Are you in flower time 12/12 now?


Well-Known Member
Well then you are right on track and so are your plants. You should see 2 little hairs growing out real soon. The hairs on a female plant will show themselves in the smae places that the pods on your boy plant showed.
Watch and see
Hope you have girls.......


New Member
yeah man. let them grow out and see if they are females before you do anything. i would wait it out and hopefully they are females. hope for the best bro. keep us posted with the pictures


Well-Known Member
='( damn

well there are two more plants, could these possibly be female?
These look a lot more promising in the sense that they do not show yet while the other one already shows. Females are always slower in making them selves pretty :mrgreen:
Only time will tell! Don't forget to clone once you know the girls!!!

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Save the pollen for future use.

Pollen from the pyramids,
that was over 5000 years old, was still viable.

Store pollen away from moisture.

A film can with some rice,
or a commercial desiccant is best.

If you have good genetics already,
and make some pollen from a good male,
then the grow is not a total loss.

He doesn't need much if any light,
or any more nutes.

Your next grow,
you can selectively brush on some pollen,
to one bud, and make some seeds
for the future grows or trade.

Just a thought.