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  1. S

    Yellowing Leaves on my 2 week old seedling!

    ok guys can we focus on the yellowing? The plants have done pretty well under that light so far and not all plants are yellow.
  2. S

    Yellowing Leaves on my 2 week old seedling!

    A 2800k halogen bulb. I know I need to pick up a 5700k bulb asap :P My other pots don't have this problem and they also have the coffee grounds and the same tap water. Water where I live does have lime in it though not sure if that could cause a ph problem?
  3. S

    Yellowing Leaves on my 2 week old seedling!

    Ok guys so I've got three pots under my lamp. Everything had been growing well untill today I look and this pot which has two plants has leaves on both plants turning yellow and curling inwards a little bit. Is it burn from my lights? Or maybe slight foliar burn because I did get my plants...
  4. S

    Household nutes?

    Just added some coffe grounds to my soil as I was replanting my largest seeding. No worms though. It seems to be growing just fine anyway. I figured a little bit couldn't be bad even for my seedling. I'll get some better fertilizer when the time is right.
  5. S

    My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

    Ok so I separated them today. I put the largest one alone in quite a big pot. The roots were not entangled at all in fact the roots were not even fully developed I thought they'd be shooting out all over the place but it was just one pretty long root going down. I added some coffee grounds to...
  6. S

    My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

    Ok guys new update! Today a couple more seedlings popped up through the soil. Two are kinda yellowish though while one is thriving, has multiple small leaves and is growing nicely. Heres a (crappy) picture of my pot. At what stage should I separate these suckers? I expect even more seedlings to...
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    Household nutes?

    Some cheap ass european soil. I'm not in the states unfortunately so I don't have as easy access to all the brands you guys use. You've probably never heard of the brand. And when you mean feed, do you mean water with the nutes?
  8. S

    Household nutes?

    Thanks guys for the info so quickly. I think i'll try to coffee grounds because that's probably the most easily attainable (and doesn't involve me collecting urine or shit :P). I think I will look into getting a fertiziler or some decent nutes. How should I add the coffee grounds? Just bury them...
  9. S

    Household nutes?

    I was wondering if there are any household items that you can add to water/soil to help your plant grow? I know the best is probably going to a store and getting some fertilizer but that costs money and that just more grow op paraphernalia that I don't need lying around. Anyone know of...
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    My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

    Ok guys so this morning I checked my plant and low and behold I've got a seedling sprouting up through the soil. Nice! I'm using a 42w Halogen bulb combined with a really bright LED both about 2 inches away from my plant. I've got a fan at point blank constantly moving air over the plants and...
  11. S

    Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

    First seedling just popped through the soil last night!
  12. S

    Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

    A little higher then room temp it's probably between 72 -78f. Those would the highs and lows throughout the day. Temp might dip for an hour or so as they are infront of the window for a bit extra light colors a couple hours a day
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    Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

    I've only had them under a lamp for about 24hours now might this play a role?
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    My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

    this setup is so basic you wont believe it. I had an old light laying around and i managed to unscrew the light fixture in it. It's vertical stick with 3 light sockets. I went out and picked up a 5euro halogen bulb. This bulb you can see right above my plant in the picture. Also, if you look at...
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    Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

    my seeds are definately NOT fresh at all how will this influence the timeframe? they are germinated though and i've had buddies that grew quite large plants from the same batch of seeds. Theyve gotta be like 6 months old if not longer
  16. S

    Marijuana Plant Stresses

    my seeds are germinated and the roots are growing and I've had them under the lights for two days now. I guess i'll be able ot let you guys know if my lights destroyed em or not soon. How long does it take before the plant emerges from the seed and starts to push through the soil?
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    Question about germinated seed to seedling phase

    I have some concerns my germinated seeds are taking a bit too long to sprout upwards and through the soil. I planted them (already germinated) last Thursday. I do think I probably put them in a little too deep but this shouldn't make too much a difference right? How long does it normally...
  18. S

    My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

    Ok guys so I've started my own little grow op in my bedroom in my closet. Turned half of my closet/cabinet into a grow box. My set up is 1 LED and 1 42w halogen. I've got a couple germinated seeds in the soil and am waiting for them to sprout. I have already begun light exposure but I'm not sure...