My First Grow (Closet Grow) with Pics

Ok guys so I've started my own little grow op in my bedroom in my closet. Turned half of my closet/cabinet into a grow box. My set up is 1 LED and 1 42w halogen. I've got a couple germinated seeds in the soil and am waiting for them to sprout. I have already begun light exposure but I'm not sure if it's still too early not. Since I've got a halogen pretty close to my plants I've got a fan in there too but its really close to the plants but that shouldn't be a problem right?

I am a little concered they're taking too long to sprout. I placed the germinated seeds in the soil last Thursday I believe and I've only seen one side that seems to look like there's a seedling emerging from it. And it hasn't even sprouted through the soilbed yet I had to do a little digging to see it. Here are some pics.

Bare with me on these pictures guys I don't have software for my webcam and my smartphone is fucked so I had to improv and crop some printscreens from facebook.

This is my closet. Note the closed door on the right side ;P

This is a picture from before I added the LED.


Active Member
just wondering about your setup as i will be doing the exact same thing in my bedroom with half the side of the wardrobe/closet used for growing and around the same size space too.

im only growing one plant but wondering what equipment you are using.

whats lights, how many lights, how many fans and oddur control ?
this setup is so basic you wont believe it. I had an old light laying around and i managed to unscrew the light fixture in it. It's vertical stick with 3 light sockets. I went out and picked up a 5euro halogen bulb. This bulb you can see right above my plant in the picture.
Also, if you look at the top of the stick you see the incadescent frosty bulb. This is NOT what you want. I dont use it its busted.
I also got a really bright LED flashlight which I hung up and now have hanging right above the plant aswell.

All you need is a couple CFL bulbs. Or Halogen but they create a lot of heat hence the fan at point black next to my bulb. LEDs work great aswell but theyre pricey. Just pick up a couple cheap CFL's they work great.
Lights come in different color tempetures and you need 5700k (blue light) for veg phase and red light (2700k) for flowering phase. A mix of these two are great too this isn't a super strict rule.
Ok guys so this morning I checked my plant and low and behold I've got a seedling sprouting up through the soil. Nice!
I'm using a 42w Halogen bulb combined with a really bright LED both about 2 inches away from my plant. I've got a fan at point blank constantly moving air over the plants and lights. New pics coming tonight!
Ok guys new update! Today a couple more seedlings popped up through the soil. Two are kinda yellowish though while one is thriving, has multiple small leaves and is growing nicely.
Heres a (crappy) picture of my pot. At what stage should I separate these suckers? I expect even more seedlings to pop up in the coming days.

Are my lights too close to my plants? Just propped them up a bit.


The two on the left are yellowish. On the right is my biggest seedling.
I must say in the time I've taken to post these crappy pics the two yellow ones have turned greener
Ok so I separated them today. I put the largest one alone in quite a big pot. The roots were not entangled at all in fact the roots were not even fully developed I thought they'd be shooting out all over the place but it was just one pretty long root going down.
I added some coffee grounds to the soil (not a lot but a bit) and mix it in before i replanted. I left the smaller ones still together in the other pot to grow some more before I move them. The biggest one is getty pretty big now around half a finger's length which is pretty good considering it popped through the soil Monday or Tuesday.