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  1. S

    First grow! PC Bagseed CFL LST

    Damn 8 Lights in there. I cant imagine running them all under 90*F
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    is femael or male better?

    people are cruel. You can tell the ones who grow for consumption and the ones that are in business real quick. Someone who appreciates marijuana, and all the things it comes with would share knowledge like most of the users on this site.
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    is femael or male better?

    No, this is not at all true. You can plant a clone outside, just like you'd plant a seed. A clone though (a clipping before it survives), is not very strong because it will have no roots for the first part of its journey. Outdoor growth is possible but is not optimal. Many outdoor growers...
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    Anyone else have to neglect their family because of their hobby this year?

    same thing brotha. A little sad. Hope you atleast have a significant other. thats how i make it thru :)
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    Anyone else have to neglect their family because of their hobby this year?

    I am in my room right now with my lil girls but I will be back out amongst the party in a few. I just tell em I got glaucoma haha jk. Are people still getting stoned today I wonder. I am, not during the chaos of the morning but after about noon things settle down. I wanna watch that puppet...
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    is femael or male better?

    To better answer, Males have pollen that is only good for activating the reproductive process in females. Without a female a male is nothing in my opinion. (as far as plant life consists :)) Females, pure females are not ever in contact with this pollen so they only know to bud, not produce...
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    is femael or male better?

    I guess you mean for producing the actual nuggets or colas? in this case the females. If you want low bud and a lot of seed than you want both males and females. And if you want a pointless 2000$ charge, a male only.
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    EEK! I hurt my strongest sprout. What should I do to prevent harm :(

    Thanks for checking out the vid :) I was actually recording a new one when this happened. Its uploading now. the sprouts are huge in comparison. Thanks for the reasonable reply too :) BTW: a dumbass is not one of ignorance. he is one that has had the time to choose ignorance or knowledge and...
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    EEK! I hurt my strongest sprout. What should I do to prevent harm :(

    So i was fucking around and I accidentally dropped the door to the box into the sprouts. The door is probably 3-4 pounds and didn't land directly on the sprout and fell off. The thing is, all the sprouts look ok. Except my favorite. When i looked in the box immediately after some of its...
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    Red Base on Sprouts

    Its not two plants. Its one. One seed. Its not the only plant like this, just the worst. IMO
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    Red Base on Sprouts

    Well my sprouts are looking good :) I think! The strain is RED DRAGON , if anyone has experience. The seedlings have a red base. but the coloring on the top is a goodnice green and they look good to my newbie eye. Anyone spot anything wrong. PH has been right for 2 days now. temps...
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    Journal not on My Rollitup

    In your options there should be a setting to subscribe to every thread you post in
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    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    I have a regular grow box :), I was just wondering if this would be at all beneficial.
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    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    What if I plant them horizontally? or do they respond to gravity?
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    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    Maybe I wasn't clear. The plants will grow to the light. so will they grow horizontally. Not will they grow.
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    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    The lights are stationary. The grow medium can move left-right and even out of the box... That doesn't answer anything...
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    Could I grow a plant with this design?

    Is this achievable? Demensions are 15"x15"x32" approx BLUE: FANS with Light Trap RED: Light Fixture with 4 CFL ORANGE: hydro drip basin with 3 baskets with plants. BLACK: Wires Maybe a screen across the whole thing for weight support? I already have a plant, Im just curious.
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    Just got a PH test kit. Damn! Its been over 7.5!

    My ph is over 7.5 or at it because my color is darker than the 7.5 on the scale.' I want to lower it, but I just watered them last night, probably less than 24 hours. They are still moist in their grogen. I want to water them with the correct water. Should I wait until they dry? They look...
  19. S

    1 seed 2 sprouts!

    After putting them under the light for 30 minutes I see that the one has cracked its leaves open SO EXCITING. my first one ever :):hump: the other one is getting worse. I really want to save this one.