First grow! PC Bagseed CFL LST


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+rep to posters

Howdy everyone! Well, I placed a pretty large order with Attitude some while ago, and I started a bagseed grow about 6 days ago to pass the time. First off, let me explain why I am growing:

Buying herb is a losers market. I have a saint of a friend who doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Anyways, last time he was buying he was with another friend who is 17. The kid tried to take their money and run, and the 17 year old friend hit the kid. Now they have my nigga in jail facing Felonious Assault. That's when I realized just how smart growing your own stash is. However, I'm not really living at the best spot to grow. This is why I am using a PC case. Please, no hate. I know a PC is sub optimal, but it's all I have until outdoors season.

Anyways, here's the specs:

Huge ass Server tower
Planted 4 bagseed in soil on a 12/12 lighting schedule from seed. They are currently in paper dixie cups, but once I see which ones sprout, I'm gonna move them to larger containers. I have a total of 150w in the PC case, 100w being 2700k, while 50w are 6500k. It's just 6 26w CFL bulbs on a power strip. I also have three fans on it though. Two of the fans are hooked up to turn off when the lights do (one exhaust, one intake) so that the temperature doesn't drop TOO much. One (exhaust) fan runs 24/7 though, with plenty of passive intake. I plan on using LST to keep the plants small. In the pictures,you may notice my original lighting set up was not completely how it turned out. Ohhhh well :blsmoke:

So far two have sprouted, but only one has sprouted enough to take any pictures. Here's the little plant. I think I'll just end up with 2 little babies, so one of them SHOULD be female. Keep your fingers crossed!

Thanks for checking in! I'll try to post at least twice a week. One love!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Damn 8 Lights in there. I cant imagine running them all under 90*F
Well, the room they are in is actually at about 67 degrees, so the air being blown in is really cool. Not too mention three ventilation fans that are pushing 25 cfm a piece. So I have 75 cfm total air exchange, which means air is completely refreshed in the pc case about 20 times a minute (assuming maximum efficiency).


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I didn't update for a while because it's been pretty slow. I actually haven't noticed any growth until I compared it directly to the earlier picture. Basically, all of the cups were duds except the one plant I pictured earlier. Or so I thought. for fun, I poked around the other cups and found a withering plant buried too deep in one. I decided to try to save it (I mean, otherwise I only have one plant, and what if it's male? =\ ). Anyways, here are the pictures of the runt:

Sorry for the quality, but it's all I could use this time.

Anyways, I'm also worried about my "better" plant. It's leaving seem droopy to me (maybe this is normal?). Here (hopefully) she is.

I also went to Walmart and bought two small plant pots today. I mean, it's still a TON more space than a dixie cup! I filled them with MG Organic and 25% Perlite, but I'm leaving them sit for now (The soil was in my garage, and is about 45 degrees F.). How long should it be before the soil temps are good enough for my plants to be transplanted Any help gets rep, thanks!
I would bring the bag of soil into the space you're growing on bro..they will love you for the new space to root out. Btw , love your setup.. and damn that's a massive tower lol


Well-Known Member
I would bring the bag of soil into the space you're growing on bro..they will love you for the new space to root out. Btw , love your setup.. and damn that's a massive tower lol
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "bring the bag of soil into the space". Do you mean, like, transplant them directly into the entire MG bag? I'm sorry, I don't get it. :sad:
Na. Not into the bag , but to get the soil warm enough to transplant safely.. just take the soil inside and get it up to room temp.. and get them girls rooting out


Active Member
Nice Setup! I like PC Grows. To me they do look a little small, but I don't use soil. I would check your temps. I would bet that they are too cold, either that or your soil is too cold or too dense for good root growth. Your plants look like mine do until the main root gets about 6 inches long or so and then the plant takes off, maybe thats not happening here.

Heres one of my plants at day 5.



Well-Known Member
Nice Setup! I like PC Grows. To me they do look a little small, but I don't use soil. I would check your temps. I would bet that they are too cold, either that or your soil is too cold or too dense for good root growth. Your plants look like mine do until the main root gets about 6 inches long or so and then the plant takes off, maybe thats not happening here.

Heres one of my plants at day 5.
Alright, thanks! I actually made sure I thoroughly decompressed the soil on the new pots. I transplanted my babies into them today, so we'll see how they do!


Active Member
Cool, you might want to do some research on soil mixtures, as actual soil is only 1 part of what most people use. I am not pretending to be an expert because i do not grow in soil, but MJ likes a more grainy loose kind of soil so people add things to dry it out and loosen it up like sand and perlite. Do a little reading before you commit to anything.

Also I would be doing you a dis-service if I didnt point out that you can make a hydro system for about $25 - $30 that would fit into your box and use 1 outlet.