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  1. TrueBoy

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Hello Growmau5, You run your cobs at 0,7a and each driver provides electric power for 8 cxb3590s. Is it possible, lets say for a limited time for each daily 12h-light-cycle, to tune up the cobs up to 1,4a with the same driver set up? As I understand the whole thing, voltage is fixed, while...
  2. TrueBoy

    The Luxor hood by Sun System

    Hey Prawn Connery and others... What you said about light loosing its power because of its "travels through space filled with medium" .. that is not right. If you look at the physics/math, light from a punctual source is spreading in all directions and this is why it is loosing photons on one...
  3. TrueBoy

    It's A Fuct World

    Thanks for the link, Bigz... very much appreciated ... :-) We dont have these extra-high tables here ... have to do some research now... @Al: Do you use such 7" high tables?
  4. TrueBoy

    It's A Fuct World

    Hi Al, once you stated an advantage of a flood and drain system with pods is that the root zone is supplied with fresh oxygene whenever nutritiant solution is draining from the pods after the flooding... air will be sucked into the pods from the top as the nutrient solution leaves the pods...
  5. TrueBoy

    It's A Fuct World

    Hi Al, 1) What do you think about Gavitas concept of running a 400V-bulb in a 240Volt high frequency digital ballast? Link > They run a very efficient Philips bulb in it ... it emits 1900...
  6. TrueBoy

    most hallucinogenic strain of marijuana??

    btw: I had optics several times. Once, it was a Thai plant, back in the very late 80ees or very early 90ees, when it was hard to get some weed in germany (Mostly we smoked hash). It was all natural, no hybrid, well cured properbly because of its long distance transport in plastic bags on sea...
  7. TrueBoy

    most hallucinogenic strain of marijuana??

    Tryout any pure Sativa strain that you can get your hands on, no matter if it is from Latin Amrica (Brazil, Colombia), South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia) or Africa. African Sativas are very Strong (as mentioned before "Mabombe" by Delta 9 Labs is offering for...
  8. TrueBoy

    Al B Fucts Sog+Feminzed Seeds=What Strain?

    well its all in the faq i guess... thats really why its called faq :-) also, you should be aware already why you have decided to grow sog stlye ... and what its concept is. * Many plants in small space * you wouldnt need bushy plants with many side branches, but plants that grow medium, with...
  9. TrueBoy

    Flood and Drain 2x1000w, 6x Purple Haze, 2x Orange Blossom, 3x Sour Diesel, 1x PermaF

    Ohhh and another thing: ever thought of putting 2 or 3 plants into the same 1-squarefoot-pott so they look like "one giant plant"??? I dont know how smart DEA is, but done properly with a ScroG (Screen of Green) ... who knows^^.... big yield, no problem! trueboy edit: I am an european kid, so...
  10. TrueBoy

    Flood and Drain 2x1000w, 6x Purple Haze, 2x Orange Blossom, 3x Sour Diesel, 1x PermaF

    Edit: trying to improve user experience... Link posted already by Lt. Dan. But here is additinally Al B's FAQt: There is a lot to learn from Al B's postings about hydro, plants growth, attitude/analysis, etc .... even if...
  11. TrueBoy

    Flood and Drain 2x1000w, 6x Purple Haze, 2x Orange Blossom, 3x Sour Diesel, 1x PermaF

    Why not looking into Al B's setup? I mean ... its RIU baby and he is the man for SOG .... his op is very similar to yours ... 2 x 1000w with flood and drain He does it with cloning, on four tables in a perpetual rotation every 2 weeks for 8 week flowering all together, planted in deep 17,5 cm...
  12. TrueBoy

    DIY Flood Table

    nice and clean "workstation"! :clap: is it just a single 1k-watt lamp you get your 2.5 lbs of? T.B.
  13. TrueBoy

    Airbasket and fimming tech pics

    Look for Natmoon's threads, he made this idea up which delivers funky big buds on single monster plants... Pictures, sadly, are lost in Natmoons threads. This is why people here where asking and why I now put some found documentation here (even though all these threads are two years old) Dont...
  14. TrueBoy

    Sweating and Curing

    No, its all about "fermentation" and it is done to hemp since ever. (Same thing Indian/Chinese/Arabs/Europeans do to tea, malt, hops or other consumed (treating) plants for thousands of years... look it up, its about getting rid of the chlorofill) Its not myth, its also about chemistry: A-THC...
  15. TrueBoy

    Airbasket and fimming tech pics

    The DL-Link on first page is down. Anybody still has a backup to share/upload again? thnx!!
  16. TrueBoy

    Grow Wall system/vertical growing

    yep! I was looking for this here too. If you put some of these panels to the oposite of the other and hang your light (2 x 600W Highpressure) vertically in the center of them, you have some nice light efficiancy. I would like to do some SOC-like growing on the panels, no vegetative phase...