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  1. Turkish

    Leaves are turning upside down.

    What I meant was 27 degrees :P
  2. Turkish

    Leaves are turning upside down.

    It's about 278 degrees celsius in the closet. I'll try to move the lamp closer. Alltho theyr growing pretty well right now but thanks.
  3. Turkish

    Leaves are turning upside down.

    My plants are 3 weeks old (feminized jock horror), I'm growing under 400w hps, in soil, no ventilation and on 18/6. I'm growing in quite a big closet and I always keep the doors open when the light is on. The lamp is at least 40 inches away from the plants. The problem is that one of the plants...
  4. Turkish

    any gamers here?

    PC CS Source Rainbow 6: Vegas GRAW World In Conflict multiplayer beta Company Of Heroes FEAR Combat STALKER Test Drive Unlimited Call of Duty 2 C&C 3 Tiberium Wars I play alot of different games, I get boored easily.
  5. Turkish

    Rate the persons avatar above you...

    I love it how your avatar show's what stoned feels like. Nasty paintjob is excellent I think. darn, court was quicker. Anyway, courtcourt420, your avatar is just simply delicious, judging by the color it looks like it's some real heavy smoke for sure. I can almost smell it. 8/10.
  6. Turkish

    Best Caption...

    I'm a good ass mothalika.
  7. Turkish

    Who can come up with a good caption?

    "Life is a game"
  8. Turkish

    What car do you drive and....

    Aston Martin Vanquish.. And I'd love to own a '88 Honda Civic one day. Wait.. brb..
  9. Turkish

    Fastforward 1000 Years

    Has anyone here seen "Idiocracy" ? I suggest you to GET IT NOW. Bake and watch and after that come back and post some!
  10. Turkish

    Stoned more???

    it does last longer doesn't it? I usually smoke cigs after I've smoked pot but Ive tried to mix them together as well. I don't like the taste and it makes my throat bitter, you know eh?
  11. Turkish

    Sweet dreams

    It's a morning right now but I saw this threads title and wondered if it might be about dreams after you've smoked all day and right just before you went to bed. They are really trippy, I think I have seen more shit go down, so to speak, in dreams than in real life. Oh, I'm actually so high...
  12. Turkish

    What are you reading now?

    Tom Clancy's "The Hunt For Red October" It's brilliant!
  13. Turkish

    Help with red eyes.

    I'm so paranoid right now, I can't see my eyes . Been trying for like ten minutes now.
  14. Turkish

    Rep Annoymus Club

    Yes, the bum bum part was excellent in my opinion. :P
  15. Turkish

    Anybody Else

    She was quite hot in "Sin City".
  16. Turkish

    So Hungry

    I'm at school right now, still 30 more minutes before lunch. I haven't even got a bloody hit yet :/
  17. Turkish

    New one..which Jennifer is hotter?

    Jennifer Love Hewitt :)
  18. Turkish

    The person below me thread

    Haha, that is so true. The person below me doesn't watch TV.
  19. Turkish

    How You Feel When You Are "Stoned" "High" Or Whatever You May Call It.

    like Dave Chapelle said: "Your on drugs, this is what drugs do" He said that about him being high on mushrooms and he saw that big penis was cutting his head when he looked at the mirror in barbershop.
  20. Turkish

    forgot who you were

    Im sorry :neutral: