Help with red eyes.


Well-Known Member
i have found that visine clears your eyes up great and u dont look stoned at all, but it seems to take my buzz away? does anyone agree with me on this one?
....... Ha HA no shit I think this too , the shower or brushing my teeth seem to kill my buzz also !


Well-Known Member
man pretty much anything physical is a buzzkill for me thats why i dont get high before work anymore maybe if i had a desk job.


Active Member
no doubt, when im ripped i usually like to stay home and hope no one comes over, cuz if they do then there goes by buzz...unless they r kool with it ya know?:peace:


Well-Known Member
for some strange reason i never get red eyes... its baffled many a pot smoker but my eyes just stay the same....cept sometimes my green eyes will look a brighter green but im not complaining.


Active Member
If I'm out somewhere stoned and it's bad I'll stretch my eyelids down over my eyes till they water up that clears red eyes right up with tears, natures visine.


Well-Known Member
....... Ha HA no shit I think this too , the shower or brushing my teeth seem to kill my buzz also !
Yeah a shower always kills my buzz!

Nothing else seems to tho, if around ppl who havent been smoking i feel more stoned and para but i enjoy it, its like a challenge for them not to notice HAHA :joint: