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  1. slood123

    3 days into flowering and the top 5' of the main stem broke off.

    thank you for the good word. that makes me feel a lot better for sure. I will let you guys know the outcome.
  2. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    Here a little update. I added a water chiller to my set up. Best $350 I have spent in a long time. keeping the root zone at 68 degrees F coupled with the root excelorator, cutting out the hygrozyme and aquasheild,made all the difference in the world . The base of the stem got to 1.25 in in...
  3. slood123

    3 days into flowering and the top 5' of the main stem broke off.

    slojo69- lol yeah I guess I did top it didn't I. Oops! We will see how it turns out ok. I am hoping that it's overall good health before this BS will help mitigate the ill effects of this mishap. encomium- I will most likely let the plants flower for another week or two to compensate for the...
  4. slood123

    3 days into flowering and the top 5' of the main stem broke off.

    Thanks for the heads up on the mistake. I fixed it in the body text however the subject line wasn't able to be edited. The reason I was trying to lst is because I was running out of vertical space. :( super bummed.
  5. slood123

    3 days into flowering and the top 5' of the main stem broke off.

    I am 3 days into flowering and while trying to lst, the top 5" of the main stem broke off. The plant was well over 2' tall and extremely healthy with a stock at it's base is 1.25" in diameter. Being my first time with lst and not knowing what the hell i was doing, I accidentally pushed it too...
  6. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    You are being super helpful. No offence taken at all. I totally get not not taking a friend request from a new guy. Well I will keep posting. If you see anything that can use a little expert knowledge, if you could continue to help a guy out that would be greatly greatly appreciated. That being...
  7. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    Thank you for your response. :) My first grow I left the water running 24/7 with air stones root excelarator and when it got really bad I used hydrozyme. What looked like black sludge formed on the clay pellets. The roots started smelling really bad and falling apart. If not root rot what would...
  8. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    Little K Thank you so much for your response. That's my feeling exactly, I just don't trust my opinion yet. It helps to hear other peoples opinion like yourself that know a ton more than me. Thank god for this forum. At this point I just don't know what type of watering schedule i should be...
  9. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    The General Hydroponics instructions for these units says leave the water pump on for 24 hrs a day. For plants that like drier climates it says leave on 30 mins then of an hour during daylight hours then totally shut off during night hours. Both seem excessive but I don't know my ass from my elbow.
  10. slood123

    Need your help in the worst way! Drooping Leaves. (Full details and pics listed)

    :-( I am a total nub, so your patience and help is sincerely appreciated. This is my second grow. First grow got me root rot. (Pretty sure it was with a 24hr a day watering schedule I had what looked like black mold on the clay) For this grow I changed my watering schedule to 15min every four...