3 days into flowering and the top 5' of the main stem broke off.


I am 3 days into flowering and while trying to lst, the top 5" of the main stem broke off. The plant was well over 2' tall and extremely healthy with a stock at it's base is 1.25" in diameter. Being my first time with lst and not knowing what the hell i was doing, I accidentally pushed it too hard. When it happened I cleaned up the break buy trimming it with a sterile pare of scissors. What should I be doing at this point? What should i expect to see? Am I in for disappointment? I am super bummed. Any pointers, words of advice, or details of what I should expect would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Pardon the typo in the subject line.I meant 5" . I wrote this quickly and kinda in a panic.


Well-Known Member
YA man sorry that happened that sucks, But to LST a plant, you need to do it in the early stages of Vegging, not flowering. The plant was too firm and you snapped it. Sucks alot bro, sorry to hear, but it's a learning experience.

Side note, when typing inches and feet. Inches is the " key and feet is the ' key. Yer title of the thread says 3 days into flowering and the top 5 feet of the main stem broke off, which might be what you meant but if not this is just a helpful tip. Again sorry that happened man, good luck.


Well-Known Member
super glue it back on...lol.jk....all u can do is sit back and hope for the best, right?...5 inches isnt the end of the word, obviously u wont have a big cola on that one but unless u have a time machine id suggest making sure it doiesnt happen again...


Thanks for the heads up on the mistake. I fixed it in the body text however the subject line wasn't able to be edited.
The reason I was trying to lst is because I was running out of vertical space. :( super bummed.


Active Member
Ouch that sucks man. I wouldn't worry about it too much though you'll get less of a yield I'm thinking or at the very least slow your harvest time a week or so. I did something similar moving my babies around when I was swapping my reservoir.


slojo69- lol yeah I guess I did top it didn't I. Oops! We will see how it turns out ok. I am hoping that it's overall good health before this BS will help mitigate the ill effects of this mishap.
encomium- I will most likely let the plants flower for another week or two to compensate for the slowed Flowering.hopefully that will help?
It's my second grow and things were going SO much better than the first grow(first grow I got root rot). It was just a bummer to see this happen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, it's a learning experience, just remember what you did wrong and you'll be golden


Only 3 days into flower, the plant barely knows whats going on between light changes and nute mixes. I used to top my plants late into veg just to reroute the growth hormones to the next 2-3 strongest branches. Can increase yield at times, may shock your plant a little bit but all is well. As long as shes healthy throughout, you"ll be plenty happy come harvest time.


thank you for the good word. that makes me feel a lot better for sure. I will let you guys know the outcome.


Active Member
three days into flower is late for topping, but not too late I don't think. I've only grown outdoors until my latest try though