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  1. newbefactor

    Starting off a new indoor grow. Few questions.

    I'm not giving the plant any nutes till it show it needs them. Then i'll be using the bio bizz range of nutes and maybe some molasses every now and again.
  2. newbefactor

    Starting off a new indoor grow. Few questions.

    Thanks. Just worried that if it went straight into the bigger pot the roots might over grow because it has space and cause root bound. Masonic 72 I'll try and put little updates every now and again, but don't know if it'll be a proper journal but i'll try and keep you posted.
  3. newbefactor

    Starting off a new indoor grow. Few questions.

    Someone got me a seed for x-mas (KC brains northern lights special - fem) I've done grows before that have always gone wrong so hopefully this one will work out. I'm using bio bizz all mix for the first time (always used miracle grow which i think partly lead to the plants dying during the...
  4. newbefactor

    Avoiding nute burn by swtiching soils ?

    Also how is all mix with seedlings ? i've heard it could possibly be a bit of over kill (nute wise) for a small plants
  5. newbefactor

    Avoiding nute burn by swtiching soils ?

    Does that mean yes - if i switch to organic soil it'll be harder to burn and no - don't have to mix more perlite with it ?
  6. newbefactor

    Avoiding nute burn by swtiching soils ?

    Just want some clarification on something. I've been using MG soil for my plants and even though i'm using bio bizz organics nutes i've managed to nute burn my plants. Could that be because of the soil ? as it's already treated with MG chemical plant food ? If i switch to an organic soil like...
  7. newbefactor

    Getting to the point of giving up

    I don't have the money nor space for hps - if i added a hps i'd have to add larger fans. I've seen some plants that have had really good results with cfl throughout the grow.
  8. newbefactor

    Getting to the point of giving up

    This is why i was leaning too the bio bizz soil at least it's kinda of documented about how much nutes is in the soil. And i have a fan in there, it's just in Oct when my plant was growing there was a random heat wave for like a week and pushed the temps up over 100 but normally it's about 76-84...
  9. newbefactor

    Getting to the point of giving up

    Well my last plant i hardly gave it any nutes, then it got to flower so i feed it (but only little bits) and it suffered nute burn, so i'm guessing the chemical nutes in MG soil isn't good for the plant. My others i think were nute burn as well. My first plant i grew i had no idea what i was...
  10. newbefactor

    Getting to the point of giving up

    Right so just chopped down my like 5th plant that never budded because i messed up, i believe a week of heat stress and nute burn f-ed this one up. I'm going to try one last time with one last plant and if i don't get any bud off that i'm giving it and i'm just not meant to grow :( What steps...
  11. newbefactor

    UK Legalisation

    signed it mate, don't we need 100,000 signatures before it even gets consider to be discussed in parliament ?
  12. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    Thanks for all the advice. Will flush her later on today Welshsmoker - she is filling out a little bit each week, but gonna have a seriously compromised yield
  13. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    I think my tap water ph might be a little over 7 maybe like 7.2 max is that still okay? I do let it sit for a few days before giving it to the plant
  14. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    Okay i will flush her, i have some flush solution that you add to water should i use that or just pump her full of plain water ?
  15. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    My normal water ph is about 7 but i ph'd it down because i read nutes like potassium (which i think it was lacking because of the rusty looking spots on the leafs) gets locked out in a ph above 6.8 How much roughly are ppm meters ? my nutes bottle says mix 4-5ml per litre so i never do more...
  16. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    Well i only say 6.3 roughly as i don't have a digital one it's just a little probe thing with a little scale on so for all i know it could be more like 6.5, 6.6. I know what everyone is saying i know she's very sick, my own fault i should of address the heat stress earlier (she suffered for...
  17. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    The ph is fine it's about 6.3 the lights are close to her but not enough to burn her and it's CFL's i'm using. I don't wanna give up on her as she managed to pull through the heat stress so don't wanna waste her - plus it's the last plant i can do. I just wanted to know if she needs food or just...
  18. newbefactor

    is she okay ?

    here's my violater kush, to say she's had a few problems in an understatement; heat stress, nute problems. This is her now 11 weeks into flowering (think the problems she had set her back a bit) I know some of the damage to the leafs is from the heat stress but i'm wonder if she is suffering...
  19. newbefactor

    Heat stress ?

    thanks for the tip about the humidity it was a bit high at 65% so put something in there that will hopefully help. Now the random heat wave has gone the temps rarely get above 85 just looked at her and it's about 78 in there. I think she's only got a few weeks left as most of the trichomes are...
  20. newbefactor

    Heat stress ?

    So i moved the fans so they blowing the hot air out of the closet the weather is meant to cool down tomorrow tho so hopefully it'll be the end of the heat problem. I gave her some flowering nutes at weekend but at 1/4 strength bottle says 4/5ml per litre so i gave it 1ml per litre. Some of the...