Starting off a new indoor grow. Few questions.


Active Member
Someone got me a seed for x-mas (KC brains northern lights special - fem) I've done grows before that have always gone wrong so hopefully this one will work out.

I'm using bio bizz all mix for the first time (always used miracle grow which i think partly lead to the plants dying during the flowering stage)
Are there any tips for using it or anything i should be aware of ?

I'm planning to plant it in a peat moss pot (which is about the size of a cup)

Now the other question once it's outgrown the peat moss pot can i just put it into the large pot that would of been the final pot so i don't have to keep doing transplants ?

Also what size pot would be ideal to use ?
the plant it will only be about a 1.0m - 1.5m tall as space is an issue. I saw some 18 litre pots today in the store think they also had 16/15 litre ones. I'm thinking about buying one as i've just been using tomato plant pots as they were the biggest i could find at the time.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i hope you do a grow journal on the NL special as i have some also .picked them cause well they looked good and where cheap .. Im also on a limited space . right now im flowering my first grow in 2.5 gal pot (bagseed) its going very well .. i ended up topping her and tieing her down .I had accually topped before i read about FEM ing ..
Pretty sure i didnt top correctly and accadently femed i got 4 tops . guess sometimes mistakes can be good ..
but would def like to hear about your NL grow ..
take care


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Just worried that if it went straight into the bigger pot the roots might over grow because it has space and cause root bound.

Masonic 72 I'll try and put little updates every now and again, but don't know if it'll be a proper journal but i'll try and keep you posted.

Just remember to be easy on the nutes the first couple of waterings because some new soil will have enough nutes in it for the first couple weeks to a month so when you transplant you dont want to feed to heavy because you will burn the shit out of your plants.


Well-Known Member
i use bio bizz all mix soil and didn't give my plants any nutes for the first 2 weeks. using bio grow and bio bloom nutes


Active Member
I'm not giving the plant any nutes till it show it needs them. Then i'll be using the bio bizz range of nutes and maybe some molasses every now and again.