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  1. C

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Anyone else find some AF strain to be real sensitve to nutes? Even at 1/4 strength?
  2. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    With lime added, do you have to worry about the PH level of the water that's going in? Can you have too much lime in the soil?
  3. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    Lime pellets should be added to the soil or transplant the 3 week old plants into new soil with the pellets mixed in?
  4. C

    Chief Puff Puff's Tent Grow---Auto Blue Mystics

    Did you have any problems with your PH level when adding nutes? Any problems with your soils pH?
  5. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    As short as 3 weeks? I've seen grows using the same soil without any lime, what is missing here?
  6. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    Soil was rechecked. First plant: 6.5 Second plants. 6.0 It seems as though the AF plant is real sensitive to nutes, it has the higher PH level but is droppy but the reg fem seed is looking fine.
  7. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    Isn't FF:OF soil supposed to have and keep a neutral PH level?
  8. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    Without nutes the water was going it @ 7. With nutes was between 8-9. Is it possible the PH up solution takes a big longer to get spread throughout the soil? The top part when tested it around 6.5-7.0, the further down it drops to 6.0 and even further to 5.5 The soil when planted was at...
  9. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    It's about the 3rd week and was the first time nutes have been added that PH dropped to 5.5. Using a digital PH meter.
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    PH of Water for Watering?

    5.5 is the PH for the soil the RO was still reading around 7.
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    PH of Water for Watering?

    Indoors, FF ocean forest @ 7.0, Grow big, Big bloom, Distilled water 7.0 When watered with ferts, the PH has dropped to 5.5 even with PH up added.
  12. C

    PH of Water for Watering?

    What should the PH be for the water? Same range when ferts are added?
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    Bugs in new soil. Seed have not even sprouted. Tiny white bugs

    Not sure, Will attempt to have a picture put up.
  14. C

    Bugs in new soil. Seed have not even sprouted. Tiny white bugs

    Apparently the bugs were already in the soil bag that was stored in a garage.
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    Bugs in new soil. Seed have not even sprouted. Tiny white bugs

    Tiny bugs that are white are in the fresh moist soil. Will FF "Don't bug me" spray work all around?
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    Plant problem continues: Just harvest and save what little you can? ***PICS*****

    Atleast a few more weeks 2-3+ New grow: (1) Nirvana NL AF (1) Pyramid seeds: White widow fem.
  17. C

    Plant problem continues: Just harvest and save what little you can? ***PICS*****

    Nirvana AF Northern lights. The main problem was the plant not flowering on it's own and a busted PH meter. Another plant had the problem that it did not stop growing, even after a 12/12 cycle and did not have a main cola.