PH of Water for Watering?


Well-Known Member
It would depend on what the ph of the soil is.... if you have a good soil and a full line up of nutes, they should balance the ph on their own. You also have to consider the water's base ph... Maybe provide some more info, what type of water? what is that water's ph? nute line up? type of soil? indoors, out?
Indoors, FF ocean forest @ 7.0, Grow big, Big bloom, Distilled water 7.0

When watered with ferts, the PH has dropped to 5.5 even with PH up added.


Well-Known Member
is that runoff? in my opinion ro water and distilled water isn't best at keeping stability. But if your checking your runoff, don't go by that. But it could also mean that your soils ph is low


Well-Known Member
if your water going in is 7.0 and the run off is 7.0, your soil is not likely to be 5.5 as you say. Are you using one of those soil probes? If I'm getting 7.0 run off from a soil pot, I'm not adjusting anything.


Well-Known Member
i think he is testing the water and not the soil. just to be on the safe side to buffer the soil ph he should add some lime
Without nutes the water was going it @ 7.

With nutes was between 8-9.

Is it possible the PH up solution takes a big longer to get spread throughout the soil? The top part when tested it around 6.5-7.0, the further down it drops to 6.0 and even further to 5.5

The soil when planted was at 7.0 and stayed in that range when watered. The only time the PH has dropped was when grow big was added 2 days ago along with PH up.


Well-Known Member
ph up isn't gonna change you soils ph only your waters. And honestly i don't trust those probe meters
Soil was rechecked.

First plant: 6.5
Second plants. 6.0

It seems as though the AF plant is real sensitive to nutes, it has the higher PH level but is droppy but the reg fem seed is looking fine.


Well-Known Member
soil is peat based which peat is acidic and once the peat starts to break down it will bring your soils ph down. that's what lime is for


Well-Known Member
What is missing is details..... this isn't rocket science...... get rid of the soil probe, number one..... number two, monitor run off and make adjustments based on those readings. You do have a good digital ph meter for testing water I assume? When I was growing soil, I rarely had to adjust ph.... I just top dressed the soil with lime pellets, about 1 tsp per gal of soil...

As short as 3 weeks?

I've seen grows using the same soil without any lime, what is missing here?


Well-Known Member
It would depend on what the ph of the soil is.... if you have a good soil and a full line up of nutes, they should balance the ph on their own. You also have to consider the water's base ph... Maybe provide some more info, what type of water? what is that water's ph? nute line up? type of soil? indoors, out?
huh are you saying all nutrient solutions balance PH?? never heard of that..i know AN has that PH perfect nutrient solution but what else is ph perfect??