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  1. M

    International Oddities

    100% Ripoff... If you want bunk tobacco.
  2. M

    My Grow Room

    Looks like you did your research before hand. Now it's just a matter of making a grow journal. What kind of strains you running?
  3. M

    Mylar or Flat white

    Yeah, like desertrat said, be careful on the cooling of your bulb. I think that is more important than what is reflecting. It's already a big bulb in a pretty small space, so keep it all locked down and you should be good, no matter what is on your walls. But, IMO, I would go with the mylar.
  4. M

    Y socket on a 3 way lamp?

    You should be fine. Just depends what kind of lights and watts your running though. If your thinking CFLs, you should be good. Those are all low wattage bulbs.
  5. M

    New Box grom!!

    That is a doppppe storage cabinet. Swear.
  6. M

    Co2 Question????

    Ain't that the truth. I've seen a few CO2 methods on here, one being baking soda and yeast. How effective is that for a small, 2-3 plant grow?
  7. M

    Whats the deal with Cali Orange Bud?

    If you haven't heard much from it, it probably isn't the strain you want to venture into. But then again, what do I know. All everyone wants up here is purps.
  8. M

    Lowryder in Pc Growbox

    Keep us updated man! I want to see how this thing works out for you!
  9. M

    PC Stealth Box --- 1st Grow in It!!

    Haha hey, it is what it is. I was thinkin' about this PC grow box, keep it posted