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  1. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    just an update...trimmed a bit
  2. Ansom

    My first grow, G-13 Haze CFL

    Looks like a really great start ! How many Cfl watts?
  3. Ansom

    First Grow Is My Plant Ready?

    They are looking really good and I can already see much improvement from the first pics. The leaves are starting to yellow it looks like (note I am color blind so I only see them getting much lighter in color But I believe they are yellow lol) So have you started flushing the plant yet?
  4. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    lol I wish I could see the purple but thanks for informing and thanks for taking a look
  5. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    Start of the weekend here are some update pics. Some show a few tiny buds I cut 3 days ago and then some show two bigger buds I cut today.
  6. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    Cool thanks for the explanation makes sense now. This waiting game is killing me im definitely seeing that I need to get a grow cycle going that way I'm tending to plants in multiple stages and im not solely waiting just for one plant knowing there's no more afterward. Ill perfect this art...
  7. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    Thanks man and I bet your right this stuff looks great.
  8. Ansom

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Mine is in the same stage and Its still getting slightly bigger and I squished a bud ( yeah I know srry couldn't resist) and its rock hard so yeah what the hey wait the 5-7 more days
  9. Ansom

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Waiting sucks... thats all lol
  10. Ansom

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    You are kinda in the same boat as me but with maybe slightly more newish looking pistils. I think you will get a bit more girth if you wait one more week and the pistils should start retracting into the bud as well giving nice tighter buds. Either way though that plant looks awesome and I dont...
  11. Ansom

    First Grow Is My Plant Ready?

    This is just one mans opinion but ide let it go another week or two at least and really the best thing to do is take pics every 5-7 days and keep posting. IS it 48 days from seed or 48 days flowering? The bud spots seem kinda small and sparse so adding a few more weeks may allow for them to...
  12. Ansom

    Containing Skunk Smell With Tin Foil?

    Maybe wrap a dryer sheet around the container. One uses dryer sheets to blow smoke through to take away the smell so maybe covering the bud in a sheet or two could help? May also not work at all idk
  13. Ansom

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yes I do agree... she is definitely beefing up nicely. As for 2 weeks though I dont know if I can make it. LOL I see tons of people get shit on here for harvesting early but with my lack of funds (ie cant buy a sack) I'm needing my fix and I realize that after chop I still have to wait so...
  14. Ansom

    To Grind or not to Grind?

    Grinding to me is like when someone swirls or aerates a wine... its part of the process for best smell, tastes, etc. I don't think you lose enough of anything to notice a deference in the high. I personally dont use a grinder with a kief catch though just b/c I feel more kief is lost in cracks...
  15. Ansom

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Updated pics a little after 9 weeks. How long?
  16. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    Indeed this part is sooooo hard but I feel ya they are getting bigger and better. I like taking the pics too that way I can see the progress better in side by side shots. Its making it easier with my color problem for sure. Ill try and update again on the weekend. Thanks for looking
  17. Ansom

    Bonzai! Cool or What?

    Heres mine... Its the strain Permafrost
  18. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    I believe on the 11th it will be 9 weeks flowering but if my math is wrong its at least the 8th week. Your instruction for the last couple weeks is great. Im not sure if I can get any molasses at the moment I'm really broke but I can use 1/2 nutes which I have and follow with the last week...
  19. Ansom

    The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"

    I hear that as the pistils change color as well as the trichromes the THC is breaking down into CBD. This result gives the body stone/indica effect. If I want a more cerebral effect do I want maybe 50-60 percent dark hairs and 80-90 cloudy trichs?