The Colors Duke the Colors "I'm Color Blind kid"


Hello all

So this is I believe my first post here. I have been checking this place off an on for a while now getting great tips from all in the community. This place rocks!! Any who Ive been caring for a small almost bonsai like girl now for well on the 11th it will be 3 months. Vegged for aprox. 3 weeks of that 3 months. She is starting to look great but being this is my first grow and the fact that I cant see color for shit makes it hard for me to tell where my plant is at stage wise. It would be great if someone could help me on this so I could then reference back to this plant for future grows.




New Member
HA. That's kinda funny. I have a painter friend who is color blind. He says he always just goes with "bright". haha. His paintings are often VERY surreal due to this.

Anywhooooo, it's looking good man! Any idea what the strain is? In my opinion you have around 2 weeks to go. You will be very surprised how much the appearance changes in these coming weeks. Those buds are gonna fatten up more than you think and the trichomes are just gonna keep piling up! You're coming into the home stretch....Just have patience and you will NOT be sorry.

Good luck man! :)


Thanks guys.

The strain is Permafrost. And would that be one week water one week with out water ?? Still learning.


Well-Known Member
Once the pistils are mostly dead or dying the plant is almost done. Looks like a couple more weeks at least.


I hear that as the pistils change color as well as the trichromes the THC is breaking down into CBD. This result gives the body stone/indica effect. If I want a more cerebral effect do I want maybe 50-60 percent dark hairs and 80-90 cloudy trichs?


Well-Known Member
how many weeks into flowering is she? You kno i prolly would let her go for 2.5 to 3 more weeks, but its hard to tell at this point especially because i dont kno how far along she is, im guessin 5-6 weeks give or take.

One way to tell is the plants leaves start turning yellow and dying off from the bottom up. Your in a tough spot being color blind in the world of marijuana growing but you should be able to tell by the look and feel of the leaf. You can also tell by the look of the pistils they will look thinner and overall different, so will the bud itself will look more mature. But the sure way of knowing if a plant is done how you want it to be done is the trichromes, but that could be difficult being color blind.

So what you should do for the last 3 weeks is use black strap unsulphured molasses along with half strength nutes untill flush around 1.5 to 2 more weeks. Then for the last week.. week and a half flush heavy with plain purified water.

2 days or so before your to harvest let ur plant dry out a little bit, then the last day let your light run untill it shuts off, so after 12 hrs whenn ur light shuts off leave the plants in complete darkness for 24 hrs to let your thc level recharge itself.

Thc is broken down by light a little bit, during the night or the darkness if you will.. the plant recharges its thc levels, so leaving your plants in darkness for 24 hours ensures ur trichrome levels to be at the highest when harvested.

Keep us updated buddy they look great, feel free to ask any questions my friend.


I believe on the 11th it will be 9 weeks flowering but if my math is wrong its at least the 8th week. Your instruction for the last couple weeks is great. Im not sure if I can get any molasses at the moment I'm really broke but I can use 1/2 nutes which I have and follow with the last week just with pure water. I do have turbinado sugar which I could add but I hear it has very little vitamins compared to what the molasses has and so I dont know if its even worth it. Your thoughts??? Again I love the instruction and the reasons behind why you do what you do. I am curious as to why exactly the leaves change color and die. Will this happen even if I continue to water, give nutes, light, etc. I kinda figured it started to look deadish in the last week or so just because you backed off giving the plant what it needs to survive.


Here are some updated pics to help judge


New Member
Yeah, looks like she wants to go a while longer.....See though? starting to girth up every day.......I think 1-2 weeks from here and you will be one stoney happppppppy camper. Good job. This is the hardest part.


Indeed this part is sooooo hard but I feel ya they are getting bigger and better. I like taking the pics too that way I can see the progress better in side by side shots. Its making it easier with my color problem for sure. Ill try and update again on the weekend. Thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
nice grow, keep it up, you wont be sorry you waited that extra week or two though, make sure u give it a nice cure and i betcha that will be the best you have ever smoked lol.


Well-Known Member
Howdy all DGT333 here, sorry it took me so long to reply ive been very busy. As to your question about the leaves, they dont die off from anything you do i mean you could make them die off from your own doing but why would you want too right?? Lol as far as ur question they die off naturally when the plant is nearing the finish, kinda like an oak tree loses its leaves at the kind of the year...its basiclly the plant naturally knowing the end is near and it pushes the last bit of its energy into the buds and the leaves become not important.
You know i got a bit of information from an old pot grower years ago, it is my favorite piece of information ive ever attained and it is "a great grower is a patient grower." Now i know its hard to let ur girls go another 2 weeks with a proper flush believe me when i say i understand because ive been there done that, ive watched alot of quality pot plants end up "just" okay when they could of been amazing with a week or 2 extra. Needless to say my friend your plants look great, keep up the good work and wait it me you wont be sorry.


nice grow, keep it up, you wont be sorry you waited that extra week or two though, make sure u give it a nice cure and i betcha that will be the best you have ever smoked lol.
Thanks man and I bet your right this stuff looks great.


Howdy all DGT333 here, sorry it took me so long to reply ive been very busy. As to your question about the leaves, they dont die off from anything you do i mean you could make them die off from your own doing but why would you want too right?? Lol as far as ur question they die off naturally when the plant is nearing the finish, kinda like an oak tree loses its leaves at the kind of the year...its basiclly the plant naturally knowing the end is near and it pushes the last bit of its energy into the buds and the leaves become not important.
You know i got a bit of information from an old pot grower years ago, it is my favorite piece of information ive ever attained and it is "a great grower is a patient grower." Now i know its hard to let ur girls go another 2 weeks with a proper flush believe me when i say i understand because ive been there done that, ive watched alot of quality pot plants end up "just" okay when they could of been amazing with a week or 2 extra. Needless to say my friend your plants look great, keep up the good work and wait it me you wont be sorry.
Cool thanks for the explanation makes sense now. This waiting game is killing me im definitely seeing that I need to get a grow cycle going that way I'm tending to plants in multiple stages and im not solely waiting just for one plant knowing there's no more afterward. Ill perfect this art eventually ^_^. Will post pics this weekend for update.


Start of the weekend here are some update pics. Some show a few tiny buds I cut 3 days ago and then some show two bigger buds I cut today.IMAG0129.jpgIMAG0133.jpgIMAG0138.jpgIMAG0136.jpgIMAG0141.jpgIMAG0134.jpgIMAG0131.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. They buds have a nice purple hugh to them. Keep with the clean water, the leaves are starting to yellow off, it's geting close.