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  1. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    ok. its been a week or so since i last posted. in that week things have gotten bad. i now have gnats flying around and one lady is looking sick. i dont kniw what to do i am about 4 weeks from harvest and dont want to lose precious time. can anyone help?
  2. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    first off Happy belated 420! hope everyone enjoyed their day. ive begun to feed molasses in my solution of nutrients how much should i use to see results. How do you get fatter more dense buds? i just did a flush with plain water and tested a sample for ph level and its at 6.4 i feed using...
  3. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    As you can see the hairs have begun to sprout. I have counted a total of 10 colas that have formed plus some smaller flowers toward the bottom of the plants. I am getting excited to see how much buds i harvest.
  4. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    In the past couple days the girls have really grown, so to make room I rearranged my power strip and made some adjustments to the light setup. I now run 4-5 lights; 4 if temps are high and 5 if the temps are low. I keep the door open about 3 hours a day so theplants get some C02. New pics:
  5. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    after looking up ways to keep the smell down, because i have noticed a slight odor, i decided to custom fit my exhaust fans with filters... i went with the home-made carbon pouch filters i saw in the forum. pretty simple... i used staples to make it faster, and kept the pouches pretty breathable...
  6. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    thanx... im surprised to see how big theyre trying to get and how i am able to keep them short. i use pipe cleaner to tie each head down while also using the "super-cropping" techinque where i weaken the taller growth and bend it lower than the others keeping them all about level...
  7. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    After the first 5 days of 12/12 I was inspecting and found that this plant is a female: She is doing very well as i have begun to supercrop to keep height down. my fert are 2tsp Alaska morbloom, and 1 tsp miracle grow bloom boost in one gallon of room temp brita filtered water. The other plant...
  8. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    Today will be the first night of 12/12 cycle... i trasnplanted and flushed both plants, and right back into feeding with 1 part MG multipurpose plant food, 1 part MG Bloom booster, and 1 part Alaska morbloom organic fert. diluted with 1 qt filtered water room temp. I just bought the Morbloom...
  9. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    So its been a few days and I have been giving a foliar feed every 'morning'. the ferts are at 1/4 strength and are the same multi purpose plant food i use to feed every 3rd water. it seems to be doing something. my funny looking plant is very dense i had to use a pipe cleaner to position a...
  10. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    meta, the soil drains nicely. its organic and made locally since i live in HI. iveseen the fox farms at the hydro shop but this only ran me $5-6 at Long's.
  11. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    no pH tester yet. dont have any idea where to get one. more research to do i guess. the lights are 75w output/18w actual @2700k and 100w output/23w actual @6500k. i read somewhere its good to have both spectrums. i have seen 300w output at Home Depot but theyre kinda pricey. plus i can control...
  12. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    ty meta. just learning, thankfully i did a lot of research on here and other sites to get an idea about how to LST and light placement. any help i can get is gonna be much appreciated.
  13. gr33ng0bl1n

    fisrt grow... rubbermaid micro unknown strain

    ended in disaster... a male. i think this is the only time a man gets mad when he has a boy.
  14. gr33ng0bl1n

    CFL Micro Rubbermaid Grow 2nd Attempt

    This is my 2nd try at growing ever. the fist grow turned out male so i scrapped it. :-( hopefully the two plants i have in veg. now are female. only timing of light will tell. the box is the same: 25gal rubbermaid on end to maximize height and easy to open, mylar reflective inside...
  15. gr33ng0bl1n

    fisrt grow... rubbermaid micro unknown strain

    so its been a few days and ive been training the stems a bit more to allow as much light penetration as possible. thankfully i have been able to keep the plant short with the growth being horizontal while topping to get maximum yield. so far i see 10 grow points that are extending day by day...
  16. gr33ng0bl1n

    fisrt grow... rubbermaid micro unknown strain

    ok this is my very first grow... bagseed from a friend (btw i live in hawaii) five seedlings germiated in peat pods inside upside-down tupperware container with a few holes for oxygen flow...kept warm by placing ontop of cable router. two seeds were duds... three seeds sprouted... so i left them...