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  1. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    yeah i dont have very much money for anything. but a lil update.... looks like the buds arent gettin any bigger and shes grown 2 inches in the past 2-3 days... i can also see new growth coming out the buds... theres leaves of three shootin out on almost all of them.... is this a good sign? and i...
  2. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    oh okay if thats all i need then ill try it... i just thought i needed rooting compound, i havent been able to find a steady job so $ is stretched, part of the reason i was growin, got a few other strains ima start later and grow space sorry but you need to calm down, you sound like a female...
  3. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    well this is very disapointing. so lemme get this right, at about the second week of may will be 14 hours. if it starts to revege then, its really gonna take 3 or 4 months to reveg... cause thats the timeline your givin me and i wish i had the money to take clones but i barely scrapped together...
  4. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    ahh well ive been growing since mid feb. as well but the only thing is i didnt start them under lights... i dont have them or the money to do it so theyve been outside the entire time. i was thinkin with a resonable headstart my plant will be huge, but home boy said it still flowers in 13 hours
  5. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    ahh yes but now im worried harvest will be next month instead of october
  6. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    ahhh but if i let it finish all the way through i doubt i would get even a eigth off it. the buds are smaller than they look in the pictures. plus this is looking like its gonna be a really good plant. for the past few days though not much has happened with her growth wise... flowers are the...
  7. D

    Possible Revege???? help from cali growers please (PICs provided)

    well hello every body... i have a beautiful female sativa looking plant growing... the only issue i have is i mighta started her a lil early, like in the middle of feb early.... what can i say i was excited. but anyway i was expecting, if not even looking forward to a lil preflower, but the...
  8. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    i got all the space i need i just wanna make sure my plant will bounce back okay for a october-ish harvest, that will happen right? cause that was my reason for startin some so early... bigger the plant bigger the harvest right?
  9. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    well if i top it at a certain height wont it be cool? plus wont that just mean monster yeilds? but yeah, actually i had 2 seeds goin, but one didnt start off too well so i focused on this one, but now it rebounded and is doing swell, its growing pretty funny but its looking great now, and i...
  10. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    oh no really... but its almost 13 hours of daylight, the pics make em look biggerthen they are, there only at the spot where the branches branch off into new branches... if so this is very dissapointing, at this point it looks like i would be lucky to get an eigth if i harvest in may really the...
  11. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    not directly on the center stem, just at the tops and all the branches. the pics arent the best but its the camera i got plus how is she doin so far? look to me like shes growin great and another thing should i start clippin now?
  12. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    i gotta question.... whens this thing gonna stop flowering? its about 12 hrs 45 of daylight and it still looks like new budds are forming.... and this will give me a good idea of what to look forward to come october harvest right?
  13. D

    2 Months Old....

    this is my first grow, and i wanted to know how my plants doing. im in so cal and the current photoperiod is 12.5 hrs of daylight. so hows she doing so far? is she growing to par?
  14. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    Okay so another week not much to speak of but i did notice one thing, when i moved the soil around the edges i noticed i little bit of algae i think. any thing to be concerned about? oh yeah and any idea as to indica or sativa?
  15. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    well all i can say is what a difference a week makes! look at her, shes gorgeous lol so far i think shes still preflowering, all that are there is one pair of pistils at each node... i am still lookin for any sign of males but havent found any yet, if it were hermie would it be showing along...
  16. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    yeah i didnt want to cut anything but when i was gone my uncle decided to "take care" of it, my thought was those leaves are gonna be branches but he said i was wrong. i also have bit of good news, its a girl. it started either flowering or preflowering, frankley i dont know what the difference...
  17. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    well heres a update, i cliped off 4 leaves a few days ago, they were gettin big and i was hoping it would stimulate growth to other parts of the plant, now im considering clipping the last of the leaves with three blades, as the first leaves with 5 blades have formed. the colors came back the...
  18. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    well within the past couple days its streched out in height a favorable amount, however the color issues i was refering to arent getting any better, and it doesnt look like itll be gettin any better, actually progressively getting worse. is this still a result of flowering? or is it starting to...
  19. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    yikes my cfls are only 13w lol whats the bare minimum? as for serapis they need direct sunlight to grow, i think only knewly rooted clones you put in the shade, and the rain water is the best thing for it cause its essentially naturally distilled water... how is that a bad thing, unless its acid...
  20. D

    Help from outdoor growers please!!!

    hmm well if any light will work i think i got a couple cfls lyin around, there just the basic ones no special wattage or anything, can i use them. and i got two kush seeds i was gonna start as soon as the rain over here clears up, should be a week or so but in the mean time i got buckets catchin...