Help from outdoor growers please!!!

well you know what they say the only way to prevednt a hangover is not stop drinkin. thanks for the assistance i think im clear outa questions right now, if you would be interested in watchin it grow ill keepupdating the thread with new pics, plus if any questions arrise im just gonna post em here

Dick Moser

Active Member
this sint a grow jounal spot but i dont see why not :) keep posting and tht will keep the threads a nlittle less cluttered by doubling threads :)
Well it has been about a week since my last post on here and the kids are doing well. below is a picture i took today of how its doing, not sure on the sex yet too early to tell, but I've been noticing the plant is beginning to turn a yellow color from the inside emitting out, you cant really tell from the picture but you can kinda make out the color difference, any thoughts on to why this is happening? i think its about 2 weeks to a month old, lets just call it 3 weeks give or take. so hows it look so far everybody?Img_02212.jpg

Dick Moser

Active Member
yea its strarting to flower the loghter color is the shading caused by flowering and the growth is stunted by the cold weather and lack of intenese light. not much to worry about if you are planiing on harvesting in october or what ev :) looks great for outdoor so early props bro and your doing GREAT :)
yea its strarting to flower the loghter color is the shading caused by flowering and the growth is stunted by the cold weather and lack of intenese light. not much to worry about if you are planiing on harvesting in october or what ev :) looks great for outdoor so early props bro and your doing GREAT :)
no way its flowering already? and thats what the colors by huh... if i let it flower through it wont die cause yeah i was plannin to harvest holloween if all goes well. amd do i pick the buds off when they grow? its not even showing sex yet either... as for the cold i brought them in the past couple nights it dipped into the low 40s but other then that it has been quite temperate...

oh yeah and its pretty small at best as big as the palm of hand...

Dick Moser

Active Member
haha i know abot how big it is by looking at many potted plants and many pictures etc... i can gauge size off the dirt.. twigs perilite etc. anyway yea its early in the year its gonna flower (hopefully not fully) and then its gonna revert back into veg and then its gonna get HUGE!!!!! so like i suggested before move it indoor at night and give it constant light to stop the flowering. if it DOES keep flowering harvest around may or so and cut the whole plant other wise leave the buds alone and its gonna sex itself soon and then after that post some pics and dont do ANYTHING rash like cutting it or aanything ok??? and its looking great, get some more seeds started!!!!!! acually if your growing outdoor dont but isnt it fun:)
hmm well if any light will work i think i got a couple cfls lyin around, there just the basic ones no special wattage or anything, can i use them. and i got two kush seeds i was gonna start as soon as the rain over here clears up, should be a week or so but in the mean time i got buckets catchin the rain. when it gets time to stop using the light in mid april it wont make start to flower cause of the time difference?

Dick Moser

Active Member
yep more watts the better though and only cfls or hids (hps mh cfl), get them started now and keep them iside under those cfls for a week or two just about 100 watts will grow them out so they have a better chance of surviving outdoors (pests will be coming out soon and shit like that) and no it wont revert to flowering bbecause of a slight change in photoperiod. anything less then 13 hours of light will cause flowering.


Well-Known Member
Best advice I ever saw for growing that thar weed outside is pretty simple really.... keep your plants out of direct sunlight. That hot mother will burn your plants. Secondly,,,, never let your plants come in contact with rain water..... you never know whats in that stuff!

yikes my cfls are only 13w lol whats the bare minimum? as for serapis they need direct sunlight to grow, i think only knewly rooted clones you put in the shade, and the rain water is the best thing for it cause its essentially naturally distilled water... how is that a bad thing, unless its acid rain then you adjust it with ph up or down i would imagine

Dick Moser

Active Member
if you live in california any rains you get will force down all the air pollution and cause nasty things to grow or occcur in your soil so i can us outdoor water cause here i live its a little off the grid so if the same is true for you then right on and use the rain water....13 w cfls are of if you have like a chandelier or enough sockets for like 8 or ten of them...i think some sixy watt cfls will only be like 5 dollars at walmart, if you can get some cans togther you can grow some pot :)
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well within the past couple days its streched out in height a favorable amount, however the color issues i was refering to arent getting any better, and it doesnt look like itll be gettin any better, actually progressively getting worse. is this still a result of flowering? or is it starting to like a deficiency of some kind

Dick Moser

Active Member
hahaha thats cute dude!!! nah shes doing great, im going to suggest again, that if the flowering is bothering you then you need to add night lights to keep her awake through the night, most def dont show symptoms at the new growth, cause the new growth is what is pulling all the nutrients away from the oter edges of the plant...just like most people arnet going to get frost bite on their nipples yea dig ???? so its flowering i promise you that, look at some of the grow journals and watch for the first week after they switch lights to 12/12 the plants all change color....ever seen a green rose????
well heres a update, i cliped off 4 leaves a few days ago, they were gettin big and i was hoping it would stimulate growth to other parts of the plant, now im considering clipping the last of the leaves with three blades, as the first leaves with 5 blades have formed. the colors came back the parts i was nervous about and its grown about a inch, the stem looks thicker and thicker everyday, if it keeps up it looks like itll be the size of my wrist come harvest...3-03-11 a.jpg
oh yeah and still aint showing any thing close to sex a yet


Dick Moser

Active Member
you DONT want to cut this young at LL..the young leaves will trun a nasty yellow as the plant gets bigger and thats when you cut them not until...leave your leaves be and it will grow, you can try topping ro lst if you want a bigger yeild
yeah i didnt want to cut anything but when i was gone my uncle decided to "take care" of it, my thought was those leaves are gonna be branches but he said i was wrong. i also have bit of good news, its a girl. it started either flowering or preflowering, frankley i dont know what the difference is, but there is definately two distinct (yet small) hairs comin from each joint from the center stem. i would post pics but i dont got a cam that can show it.

just got home and saw my uncle was by again again and cut the last of the leaves of three off cause "it didnt need those anymore" i told stay away from her or ill kick his ass lol he didnt do anything incredibly devistating right?

Dick Moser

Active Member
no not at all, its just why take somethin the plant worked hard to make away from it??? it is USING the leaves that why it made them, you can aggitte the lower leaves, place a fan (low low low strencgh like a hand fan) next to the leaves for like three days and they will turn all yellow and just fall off. but to just rip leaves off the plant is kinda pointless at the stage, latter in life you can do some progressive pruning but im sure your "uncle" is just excited. but no major damage, after you got a good root base you can harass the top half pretty thorally without to such cause for worry :) your doing good make sure its getting a LOT of light, as much as you can foce on it and no shade if possible but not direct sunilight all day if its not used to it, and blkah blah blah good advise and blah blah blah :)
well all i can say is what a difference a week makes! look at her, shes gorgeous lol so far i think shes still preflowering, all that are there is one pair of pistils at each node... i am still lookin for any sign of males but havent found any yet, if it were hermie would it be showing along with the female preflower?currently where i am is 12 hours of daylight, it will reach 13 in almost exactly a month, if in fact it is in full blown flower mode and not preflower how far past 12 hours will it stop? and is it still too early too tell if it is sativa or indica dominant? i was think maybee its about equal...3-12-11 a2.jpg3-12-11 a.jpg
i can understand what my uncle was sayin though, he wanted to cut the 4 big leaves to give the developing branches underneath light, as well as the engery the big leaves are using... and so far there kept in as much day light as possible... i think my neighbors think im crazy cause they see me movin my buckets around all day lol


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Okay so another week not much to speak of but i did notice one thing, when i moved the soil around the edges i noticed i little bit of algae i think. any thing to be concerned about?

oh yeah and any idea as to indica or sativa?

Dick Moser

Active Member
mabye sativa? your leaves are spears so mabye but flowers will tell better. algea, water less. let the soil DRU before you water it :) gooc luck man :)