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  1. Platon

    Neem in flower mode?

    the pesticide database (PAN) on the toxicity of pyrethrum: PAN Product Info for Pyrethrum 1% solution neem is a much safer way to go and it works efficiently on thrips and mites. i would spray with some heavily diluted (like a tsp./quart) of dr. bonner's eucalyptus oil liquid soap as well and...
  2. Platon

    Gnats or Thrips...Sand???

    BSI, you may accept a +rep from time to time, but last january, when you made that post, was not the time... :-) i'd just like to clear up a minor discrepancy, i.e., that the active ingredient in mosuito dunks is NOT made from chrysantemums (i think you are referring to the pyrethrin...
  3. Platon

    Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance

    Btw, Dangly Bits, I like your method of encouraging the nb to see for himself with both genders in maturity. Practice is often admittedly better than theory, especially in the glorious pursuit of cannabis horticulture. Kudos.
  4. Platon

    Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance

    No prob, Dangly Bits, I appreciate you bringing me to task in keeping the posts more newbie-oriented. On the other hand, as long as the information is sound and "digestible", and not framed in jargon too terribly convoluted, I see no reason why the newbie, especially the nb venturing to this...
  5. Platon

    Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance

    Yes, SIr Dangly Bits, Your Lordliness, Witness that fuct mentioned he was originally worried about an hermaphrodite, not simply distinguishing between the sex parts of the cannabis plant, which entailed a bit more exigency, I find. Indeed, please note how most of my reply was urging a...
  6. Platon

    First Grow (Kush) advice appreciated

    Well, it depends on quite a few factors, such as plant age and height at flower, the duration of flower period, your lighting and irrigation/nutrition systems, not to mention the variety of Kush... It varies quite a bit, however you should be able to harvest a few ounces... Keep in mind that...
  7. Platon

    Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance

    sorry, read "stamen", above, not "stames". also, read "extremely", etc. :D
  8. Platon

    Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance

    hehe, let's see, bigbudballs (appropo name, indeed, for such a post), whether future posters take the kindly subtle hitn that cheetah politely yet in fine spirit tried to make earlier ;-)... perhaps the actual term "pistols" (sic.), the speling most folks who are not botanists or farmers of a...
  9. Platon

    First closet grow...NEED help!!!

    does anyone know why my plants would start showing sex at 7 weeks veg under 18 hours light (flourescent 40w)?
  10. Platon

    First Grow (Kush) advice appreciated

    I don't think you need to specify your soil for the strain, Kush or otherwise. Usually a good medium for cannabis has more to do with its water retention properties (since you added sand, you should be fine), pH, etc. Anyway, when your plants are a few months old/feet tall, you could turn the...
  11. Platon

    First grow, need some advice

    P.S. I wouldm't add any nutes to a potting mix with nutes included. You can add some high N nutes gradually as the plant develops (switching to high P during flowering) but you shouldn't need more than you got there, yet anyway. Take care.
  12. Platon

    First grow, need some advice

    Hello fellow green thumbers heh heh. I have about three or four years of decent grows under my belt, and quite a few rather nice yields. still just an amateur though, after all, since I've stayed with a simple system due to space, resources, etc. It seems to work for me, nevertheless. At any...