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  1. M

    Too young??

    After its cut it goes into a 48"x36x48" wood cabinet where it stays hanging 2 weeks or so. Trimmed and put in jars. Some age a month or 2 Blythe time I start using it. Even the jars that age longer taste smells the same. Does the soil mess with taste and smell?
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    Too young??

    I have been thru 3 different flowering cycles and the harvest has very little smell and a crappy taste. My question is this. After my cuttings show roots poking out of the root cubes I haven't really given them any kind of veg time. I'm forcing them to flower at about 8-10 inches tall. Maybe a...
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    Roots Wont Survive out of the NetPot

    Trying to help you get started that's all. Hell I use large folgers canisters with holes cut out of the lids with net pots and massive root systems dangling in super oxygenated nutrient solution. But u do need the basic things. Besides. Net pot won't cost much. It's a wise investment. Good luck...
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    Roots Wont Survive out of the NetPot

    From what I have read u don't have the right tools for the job. Forget hardware stores and home depot. You need to find a grow shop, if one is not near you order online. U need net pots, use hydroton or coco. Some use perlite. All will work. The slime you're seeing is the beginning of the end...
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    Best Hydro System For Medicinal Cannabis

    I like the stand alone units. Deep water culture works great for me. General hydroponics offers them around 60$ each. No circulation for these type just an air pump.
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    Laughing Buddha

    Lol not in Cali, wish I was tho. I'm east coast. Cold here. Kinda has a skunky smell to it. Sweet like almost.
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    Laughing Buddha

    Thanx a million. Growing happy plants!!!
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    Laughing Buddha

    I pruned a leaf off it did help get some lite down. Nugs are kinda golf ball size I'd like them to plump up a lil more before the cut.
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    Stoned Wisdumb

    "it's better to know everything about nothing than to know nothing about everything"
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    Laughing Buddha

    Ok they are at 12 now. I have 3 in soil, 3 in buckets( bubble ponics experiment) and 1 huge bitch in a waterfarm. all show great life signs. I notice that the bubble ponics have much more vegetation on them than the soil ones have and more side branching. I cut away some of the lower leaves and...
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    Laughing Buddha

    Has anyone grown this strain? Anyone know anything about it? Im trying to find a picture of it finished ready for harvest. I don't wanna chop it to early but I also don't wanna let it go too long either.
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    La Blanca

    Ok I'm gonna get a soil tester and check. Would this lockout be the reason why the bud never has a rank stink?
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    La Blanca

    No I haven't. How can I do that? I have ph testing solution ph up and down solution and the small jar that comes in the kit. Or do I need to buy something else?
  14. M

    La Blanca

    Got a free seed 9 months ago from attitude. Made a mother out of it. Cloned around 30-35 cuttings in that time. Now my question is this. All of them have had the leaves from bottom to top turn pale green to light yellow. I use dynagrow bloom nutes with magical and big bud. They are in fox farms...
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    What to do.

    It's still pretty green. Limp and wilted leaves. I did rinse it and the rockwool drained it against a oapertowel and put it back in it's basket. Not giving anything now. Water lines is out and I'm just waiting it out. Should I mist it with proper ph water or just let it chill?
  16. M

    What to do.

    I mixed half strenghth. Was only tapwater and dynagrow. I didn't ph test till after I added the water. Only a 2gallon res. Ph at that point was low. Less than 5.0. I didn't up the ph at that point. I didn't do a full change. Left half the water. Because they are 3 weeks old I didn't want to do a...
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    What to do.

    It's only 1. The one I poured over. I can take a pic.
  18. M

    What to do.

    No. I mixed a gallon at a time. With recommended amounts per gallon. Checked it afterwards. My question is will it recover? Do I need to do anything?
  19. M

    What to do.

    I did a water change and increased the nutes. I'm using dyna grow and when I was adding the water I poured it over the clay pellets. Now my la Blanca is wilting. I rinsed the pellets and the rockwool and drained it pretty good. Is it wilting from shocking or is it on it's way to the heavens? Can...
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Gotta fess up. I increased my nutes on a water change. Like a lazy ass I poured the nute increased water into the net basket all over the clay pellets. Now my la blanca is wilting. Is it in shock or on it's death bed?