What to do.

Mr marko

I did a water change and increased the nutes. I'm using dyna grow and when I was adding the water I poured it over the clay pellets. Now my la Blanca is wilting. I rinsed the pellets and the rockwool and drained it pretty good. Is it wilting from shocking or is it on it's way to the heavens? Can anything be done?


Well-Known Member
Did you PH-adjust your fert mix? I use Dynagro, and it makes things go really acidic, until adjusted.

Mr marko

No. I mixed a gallon at a time. With recommended amounts per gallon. Checked it afterwards. My question is will it recover? Do I need to do anything?


Well-Known Member
^Hard to say, without pics. All I can really suggest, is to hit them with some straight water, PH'ed, of course, and see if they bounce back.


Well-Known Member
We need more info, like... "I mixed it at 'x-strength' and the PH was 'x', after mixing...."

Mr marko

I mixed half strenghth. Was only tapwater and dynagrow. I didn't ph test till after I added the water. Only a 2gallon res. Ph at that point was low. Less than 5.0. I didn't up the ph at that point. I didn't do a full change. Left half the water. Because they are 3 weeks old I didn't want to do a full change. The other 2 are fine. New growth in fact. Ones a power skunk and one is lowryder. It's only the la blanca that this happened too.

Mr marko

It's still pretty green. Limp and wilted leaves. I did rinse it and the rockwool drained it against a oapertowel and put it back in it's basket. Not giving anything now. Water lines is out and I'm just waiting it out. Should I mist it with proper ph water or just let it chill?