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  1. D

    Stoner Stereotypes

    oh ok...Didn't know it was rude. Noted
  2. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    OH fuck ya!!!! I love that on!!!
  3. D

    Are you an organized stoner or a messy stoner?

    Yea, that sounds like me. Just ad my laptop with some music playing and its pretty much the only things organized. BTW check out to see what type of STONER you are!!!!
  4. D

    Stoner Stereotypes

    HEY everyone in this thread come to this thread to find out what kind of stoner you are!!!! Read before you vote
  5. D

    Double Koosh Macro pics

    Probably smoked a bunch and went off doing something else for a few hours then crashed cuz he was up all night smoking. :-p
  6. D

    Is this dangerous?

    Totally agreed. I hardly ever get paranoid I was just making extreme examples. Being stoned and creative if you will....
  7. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    Don't know...I don't partake in illegal activities.
  8. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    Dude is that right at the end of your bed??? I had a PS2, 2 PC's,TV, and printer set up at the end of my bed way back in the day. I called it the command center too. Fucken kick ass!!!!
  9. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    Don't jinx yourself dude
  10. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    WOW man. Thats freaken awesome. I'm green with envy. Can I smoke it? You got that many people living in your house? Or just liking having alot of toys? I can just see you smoking a joint playing Xbox and playing some strategical turn based game with your feet while singing to rock band.
  11. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    How many computers you got set up in your network?
  12. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    As the poll begins it looks like the nerdy gamers are in the lead. Probably because they are the only ones awake this early on a sunday because they have been up all night gaming. Not that I did that or anything.....
  13. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    Do..not.. go in.. there... WOOO
  14. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you???) Please post your comment and take the poll on this thread. Thank you
  15. D

    Fingernail tests

    Just like that except first you want to clean the fingernails well with some ammonia from your urine first then wipe your ass with no TP.
  16. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you???)

    Hey devildog can ya post in the right one with the right poll (now that I fixed my FAIL) so I can get it flowing over there instead? LOL
  17. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you???)

    Very true. Although ignorance is bliss, it is not in the face of comedy
  18. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you????)

    The nerd stereotype fits me like a glove! How about everyone else?
  19. D

    Stoner Stereotypes (which one are you???)

    Hahaha nice. First timer here. :-p Fixed the poll man. New link is