Fingernail tests


Has anyone had any experience with Fingernail testing?
Have to take one in 7 days ...smoked yesterday- very scared.
Ordered a kit but scared of that too...Please help!


Well-Known Member
What on earth is a fingernail test......And tell them its your body if they want to fuck with fingernails then they can use their own.


Well-Known Member
Fingernail test? wow,thats advanced, like a hair test I presume,as In the ganja you somked stays in your hair, so I take it thats the same as fingernails. Maybe cut your fingernails now so in a week there grow back clean. this would mean that you have to not smoke once you have cilpped your finger nails.
so if you cut your nails,and dont have any white they can use,,(I take it thats the bit they use) then theyd cause you pain to cut the pinky bit. so they couldnt do it. and if you dnt wash you feet they wont want to go near them for toe nails.
good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Fingernail test? wow,thats advanced, like a hair test I presume,as In the ganja you somked stays in your hair, so I take it thats the same as fingernails. Maybe cut your fingernails now so in a week there grow back clean. this would mean that you have to not smoke once you have cilpped your finger nails.
so if you cut your nails,and dont have any white they can use,,(I take it thats the bit they use) then theyd cause you pain to cut the pinky bit. so they couldnt do it. and if you dnt wash you feet they wont want to go near them for toe nails.
good luck to you.
they likely just scrape some off of the nail....Point is I've never heard of it and to me it just sounds pretty invasive and a direct violation of a persons civil and human rights. Is this ok to you guys......Job or no job I would never take a drug test.......When I was a long haul trucker every company I worked for tried to have me drug tested...I refused every one and told them if they fired me because of it I would be fighting it in court. 5 years 3 different companies and not one drug test.

If every single person refused them there isn't a damn thing they could do about it.


Well-Known Member
If every single person refused them there isn't a damn thing they could do about it.
Im with you there. But then again I surpose if your in the army or somthing thats different. As I dont condone firing rifles while high, and when you sign on the dotted line you wave some of your human rights. Different thing though.


Well-Known Member
Im with you there. But then again I surpose if your in the army or somthing thats different. As I dont condone firing rifles while high, and when you sign on the dotted line you wave some of your human rights. Different thing though.
fuck yeah thats the only way I would fire a rifle is high.....maybe then things like that reporter being shot to fuckin shit by an Apache helicopter for carrying a camera would not have happened


Well-Known Member
Wipe your ass with no toilet paper right before they test you, and make sure you dip each finger at least once.



Wipe your ass with no toilet paper right before they test you, and make sure you dip each finger at least once.

Just like that except first you want to clean the fingernails well with some ammonia from your urine first then wipe your ass with no TP.