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  1. The Grow School

    im paranoid someone tell me somthing to make me feel better am i going to jail?

    What Time of day ?... Helicopters are routine in cities with a lot of traffic, especially around rush hours (7am and 5-6 pm). This is when the news choppers are looking at the traffic to report on it. Also in the summer during the day, is when most military reservists have to do their 2 weeks a...
  2. The Grow School

    1st grow yellow leaves plz help

    Plant fan leaves often start to droop near the end of a lighting cycle (about 14 hours into an 18 hour light cycle.) This is normal and nothing to worry about folks. When the lights come on again, you will see the leaves are no longer drooping. Plants don't need "sleep" in the same context as we...
  3. The Grow School

    Questions about Males

    Males for sure. Ever if a male still produced some female flowers, the plant would pollinate itself and you will have a heavily seeded crop in your grow room. Even the seeds from such a cross will be hermaphrodite (although the seeds will turn out to be 100% female from such a cross, the seeds...
  4. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    As it is technically written (Amendment 64 section 3-b "PROVIDED THAT THE GROWING TAKES PLACE IN AN ENCLOSED, LOCKED SPACE," is all that they have said so far. However the dispensary owners are complaining because they have to pay a high "off premises" permit fee to grow anywhere other than at...
  5. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    Although it is legal up to an is still a felony!? YES it is. What is the only other thing in the world that is legal in small quantities, but illegal in large quantities? Nitrous oxide !
  6. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    In Colorado, an adult can grow and/ or process up to 6 plants INDOORS at their residence (with no more than 3 plants being in flowering mode). Recreational cannabis use is now legal for adults, and an adult can possess, give away to another adult, or transport up to 1 ounce of cannabis outside...
  7. The Grow School

    1st grow yellow leaves plz help

    I can't tell from those pix, but I would say that if it is the bigger leaves that have yellowed first, look for a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. Are you using a reverse osmosis filter to filter your water? If so, I would probably say it is a a magnesium deficiency (filters remove most all of...
  8. The Grow School

    water question

    Water it! If the soil that you planted in was completely dry, it may take 1-2 cups of water to wet it thoroughly. Take your time, if you water it too quickly (all at once) the water may run through the dry soil leaving the soil still dry in some spots. You can use a wetting agent such as...
  9. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    Legal issues are the easiest info to find out. As for classes, everyone also gets a 75 page student color handbook outlining everything learned in the course (as most people can only remember a few things in such a short time). Time always seems to be of the essence, and most people seem to feel...
  10. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    The average strains most people want to grow in Colorado (and are available as clones from dispensaries in CO) are not the tall sativas that can take 9-12 weeks, they are more hybrids. Besides, there is not enough headroom in a spare bedroom or closet for tall, sativa plants with 9 inch...
  11. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    58 days is just an average number. Next problem?
  12. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    Guess its not advertising if someone ELSE says a similar comment regarding what i said. Sorry if i do not understand the workings of your site, you may delete me completely form this site if you feel it necessary, it may make more room for "Braggers" who don't REALLY want to help anyone with...
  13. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    5-7 oz dried is a respectable minimum PER plant for beginners to shoot for, (not including the smaller and lower buds.) If you are getting that per plant, in soil, on a 58 day flowering cycle, using a 600 watt light, you are doing well.
  14. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    No advertising!!!!!!
  15. The Grow School

    Needed: Teachers of the Green

    A lot of people end up taking a grow course AFTER trying it on their own unsuccessfully. As for learning online and from books and friends, that's great, in fact, there is nothing one can learn in college that one can't learn from books, etc. The only difference is the TIME it takes for the...
  16. The Grow School

    I have a VERY URGENT Question about a 400 Watt light.

    You dont need a whole new setup, you have the reflector already...a new ballast and bulb should cost you around 200$; We dont like conversion bulbs very much. Use metal halide for veg, HPS for flowering if possible, Plants stretch too much under a hps during veg. Good Luck...
  17. The Grow School

    400 watt light question

    Heat is the determining factor. If you can comfortably hold you hand comfortably on the glass for more than 6 seconds, you can put the plants 24 inches with no problem. I like to keep my seedlings under CFL lights 3-4 inches above for first 2 weeks. It saves money on electricity, is cool, and...
  18. The Grow School

    PLEASE help me with choice of reflector + ballast

    If you have heat concerns in the grow room, get an enclosed reflector with ducts on both sides to duct out the heat. This is much harder to do with open reflectors. If you really want an open reflector, go with the ajust-a-wing; it projects a slightly larger area and is adjustable.! If you are...
  19. The Grow School

    digital ballast problem hps mh

    WE dont like digital ballasts very much. I have heard many complaints. I believe they may be the future, but for now...still too many bugs to work out. If the ballasts say they are for both mh and hps, there should be a switch that says mh/hps. MH and HPS bulbs have different operating...
  20. The Grow School

    Discoloration on leaves - Light green

    I have a strawberry cough plant that has the same genetic problem! I have solved this problem with epsom salts at 1tsp per gallon. But, it is nothing to worry about at your stage. Growth looks great and green, plant is probobly using alot of magnesium from the soil. I use Canna Terra Vega...