1st grow yellow leaves plz help


Active Member
3rd week flowering they should be almost halfway done usually looks like too many or too far from the light, but what kind of light? Whats the watering like?


No sorry 3rd week in veg and I using 2 600w lights and my temp is 76 and my hudmity is 56 and I water ever 2end or 3erd day and the only reson using 2 lights now is because I have 11 plants and one light was not doing them all
I can't tell from those pix, but I would say that if it is the bigger leaves that have yellowed first, look for a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. Are you using a reverse osmosis filter to filter your water? If so, I would probably say it is a a magnesium deficiency (filters remove most all of the beneficial minerals in the water including magnesium and calcium). Also the spots are NOT too typical of a nitrogen deficiency, so again without better pix, I would again say look into a magnesium deficiency. 1/2 tsp per gallon foliar spray or 2 tsp per gallon soil drench of epsom salts (available at grocery store) should fix the problem if it is a magnesium deficiency. Or you could use Cal-Mag or Mineral Matriz from the grow store, but epsom salts is more affordable. How often are you fertilizing and are you fertilizing at full or 1/2 strength and what are the holes in the sides of the containers for? Otherwise, the leaves look very flat and healthy. Looks like you will have an easy-fix on this problem!


Thanx for the help no I am using water straight out the tap and thenn I ph test it and have to add acid to bring Down to 5.5 or round about there everytime I have used my plant food wich is canna a and canna b it don't seem to like it I have tired to half the dose but still have the same problem very light leaves and the tips are bent Down and seeing like Brown over the leaves


I also don't why my girls go sleep before I turn the light off I am doing 8 at night till 2 in the afternoon but 2 hours before I turn the light off they look they are sleeping dose any body have any ideas plz


Well-Known Member
I get these too. I'm not sure what the fuck it is. What I get most of the time is that it is calmad def... But I've added some a few times and I'm not 100% on that anymore. Mine doesn't really get bad or effect the growth of the plant it just looks funny and it's annoying.
Plant fan leaves often start to droop near the end of a lighting cycle (about 14 hours into an 18 hour light cycle.) This is normal and nothing to worry about folks. When the lights come on again, you will see the leaves are no longer drooping. Plants don't need "sleep" in the same context as we do, their metabolic processes just change to performing different functions when the lights are off, but they are still quite active when the lights are off!


Thank you that has help back to my other thing about my leaves just took some more pics you can see it a lot better would be great if anybody has any tips on this thanx IMAG0242.jpgIMAG0244.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a taco leaf on one pic, might be magnesium, use some cal mag in your watering.