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    outdoor nutes

    out of curiosity, how would soil mixed with cow shit be and some perlite...feeding would be miracle gro all purpose..would this work alright?
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    jeb : if you put like 50cm worth of duct between the filter and the fan.. the noise will be less... just my 2 cents... ps: check this out, doesn't it look like an autoflower type of strain?...this dates back to year 512.
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    sup i made the click and ordered a set of this so i'll keep you folks posted. i really like its description...
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    i will be growing this automatic ak i think... all i really want to know is if my outdoor light cycle is enough for me to get enough bud to be worth it.
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    nice, do you think i could achieve this in my location outdoors?
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey , mate... yes..outside in a container,the soil i will be using will be : Uploaded with im still choosing which autoflower to go with.. i really like this one, because of the description and the picture
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    Question on a strain

    im growing outside under 12/12 sun light...i live right in the heart of the caribbean... but thanks...i found the answer already...a plant well taken care of outside in the caribbean where there are no seasons..will yield between 30 and 50 grams...
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    when growin these autoflowers outside, is it worth it using nutrients? if so, do you start with bloom nutes as soon as you see plant life from the seed? anybody ever tested with and without bloom on this autoflowers? thanks!
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    Question on a strain do you guys think this plant can really produce 350grams a plant or is this a typo?
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    search on youtube for morroco kief ... and you'll see the original way to make what we call Hiya Hiya ...
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    easyryder harvest BIG PLANT

    and the winner was....
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    100 watts for 4, maybe 5 plants??? Enough?

    yes i know this but i wanna know that 1 23watt 6500 is not enough for a just wondering how many watts per plant you need...
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    100 watts for 4, maybe 5 plants??? Enough?

    quick get optimal results from a cfl grow... how much cfl wattage do you need per plant?
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    quick q on autoflowers

    does a bump count?
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    quick q on autoflowers

    i live on a tiny island in the caribbean where we dont have seasons, so we can grow outside all year long. due to my location, i can not grow tall plants,security question is, if i grow loweryders(autoflowering), do you guys have an estimate of how tall these will reach in my...
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    How do indoor strains do being grown outdoors?

    if you live on an island in the caribbean, it is possible to grow ALL strains...outdoors,indoors everything...sativa's, really depends as all of the above said of where you are !
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    which island of the caribbean are you from? i live in the caribbean too

    which island of the caribbean are you from? i live in the caribbean too