Question on a strain

kbo ca

Active Member
yeah man it says outdoor 350g. 350g is just under a pound. It is common for outdoor plants to yield much higher dried weight than this. For example my cheese plant yielded me just over 3 lbs last year. thats 1344g off one plant. i'm sure some good growers on here have had more than that off one plant.


im growing outside under 12/12 sun light...i live right in the heart of the caribbean...

but thanks...i found the answer already...a plant well taken care of outside in the caribbean where there are no seasons..will yield between 30 and 50 grams...


Active Member
im growing outside under 12/12 sun light...i live right in the heart of the caribbean...

but thanks...i found the answer already...a plant well taken care of outside in the caribbean where there are no seasons..will yield between 30 and 50 grams...
veg that thing inside with some cfl's and throw her outside when she gets a little bigger than put her outside to flower.
an idea.