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  1. O

    When do you move seedlings...?

    If you had a bubble cloner, can you use new seedlings in a bubble cloner to help them root and keep the rockwool cubes hydrated? I'm confused because I don't understand when to move seedlings out of the humidity dome. As long as they've sprouted in the humidity dome can you move them into the...
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    super silver haze harvest

    DAMN 77g, lol you dried up a whole tree! Nice harvest, and amazing looking plant. Was it just 1 or 2? Also what techniques did you use to help bring in such a hearty harvest?(Lst,super cropping, topping ect...)
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    Few questions about cloning, please help!

    I'm confused about a few things with clones. Can someone please clear them up for me? 1) Can someone take 2 clones from a plant right before its put into flower without hurting the soon to be flowering plant? 2) If clones are taken from a plant that had great genetics, would the clone...
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    How can you help turn bud purple?

    Thanks for the replies! I've just got a few more questions. If one of the plants purples naturally and someone makes a clone from it. Would it be more likely that the clone would produce purple buds also? Could it really hurt the plants yeild if you slowly reduced the temperature? I...
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    How can you help turn bud purple?

    If someone got seeds from a reputable person/business that have a chance of turning purple. Would it help induce the process of turning the bud purple if you did the following? 1- The last 3 weeks before harvest, drop the night time temperature to 55-60*. 2- Two days before harvest keep...
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    If one wanted to turn bud purple...?

    If someone got seeds from a reputable person/business that have a chance of turning purple. Would it help induce the process of turning the bud purple if you did the following? 1- The last 3 weeks before harvest, drop the night time temperature to 55-60*. 2- Two days before harvest keep...
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    Question about DWC, should the pots touch the water?

    Well in my friends setup his pots touch the water, I've been looking around online and now I've noticed other peoples setups and it looks like the water level is below the pots and the roots grow out into the water. Is it wrong to have the water level touching or a 1/4 of an inch above the...
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    What would be the best hydro method for my friends flowering room?

    My friend has a about a 6 foot tall room. He got a light mover for his flowering room and wants to grow some larger plants because he's got his license and doesn't wanna go over the legal limit. To maxamize his space over the plants he has decided he needs something different then the normal...
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    Aphid problem, what homemade solutions can i use to cure this infestation?

    Well I suppose you get what you pay for, and in my friends case that's an aphid infection. My friend got some free clones and it looks like they have aphids chewing away at two of his weaker plants. He has 6 total, but only two of the weaker ones show slight signs of aphids. On the two...
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    Where could one get cheap cfl's for seedling growth?

    Thanks for the replies!
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    Where could one get cheap cfl's for seedling growth?

    I have looked for grow cfl lights online but they are expensive. My friend only needs cfl's for his seedling growth. Are there any big local stores that carry bulbs/fixtures that are suitable for seedlings?
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    Questions about starting from seeds... please help.

    Thank you, I believe that is all I needed to know. :)
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    Questions about starting from seeds... please help.

    If one was to start from seed, after the seedling has sprouted and the roots have grown out from the rockswool cube can you transplant it into a DWC setup? Or should you wait longer? Thanks for helpful replies, I really appreciate all the help from everyone on this site.
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    Checking the PH twice a day, or once a day?

    Thanks for the info, so 5.5 to 6.2 is a safe range?
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    Checking the PH twice a day, or once a day?

    Well my friend just changed out his reservoir from when he was using vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda to adjust the PH. Before he changed the reservoir today the PH was going up every few hours between 6.5-8 even after he got real PH down. Hopefully now that he has real PH down it will...
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    If i'm running lights 24hrs, will it hurt to switch to 18/6?

    Thanks for all the replies!
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    Checking the PH twice a day, or once a day?

    Would it help keep the PH at a regular level if checked and adjusted twice a day? Or should it only be checked and PH solution added once a day to fix the levels?
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    If i'm running lights 24hrs, will it hurt to switch to 18/6?

    Aside from saving money on electricity does it have any other benefits? Also my friends plants have been under a lamp that is running 24 hrs, will it shock the plants or slow down growth dramatically? Thanks for helpful replies!
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    Can you use a 1000 watt MH to root clones/seedlings?

    The reason my friend was asking is because he is already running a MH with only 6 under it. He figured he'd just add the seedlings/clones under the 1000 watt MH. Would it be a good idea to put a clear dome over the smaller plants to help protect them from heat stress?
  20. O

    Can you use a 1000 watt MH to root clones/seedlings?

    My friend was wondering, can you root seedlings under a 1000 watt MH?